Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Daily Update - 31 March 2015 (13 items) - http://srilankangreens.blogspot.com

Daily Update - 31 March 2015 (13 items) - http://srilankangreens.blogspot.com
Covered: Divaina, Dinamina, The Island and Daily News (online versions only)
(Note: Some of the URLs given below may work only during the date of publication)

Canals prepared for irrigation (1)
Canals prepared for irrigation

Hearing of new born babies (1)
Two day programme on hearing capabilities of new born babies

Medical vacancies (1)
GMOA fires warning shot over failure to fill crucial positions of medical administrators

Health staff issues (1)
Token strike to paralyse state hospitals on Thursday

Coal plant issues (1)
Environmental complaints pile up against proposed joint venture coal power plant with Indians

Energy plan (1)
බලශක්තියෙන් සපිරි රටක් නව සැලැස්ම ජනාධිපති අතින් අද එළිදකී

Kandy-Peradeniya dual railway line (1)
ඉඩම් අහිමිවන පදිංචිකරුවන්ට කුණ්ඩසාලෙන් ඉඩම් කට්ටි

Development projects and issues  (2)
Special development project for Galle

ගමට පහසුකම් අපට හීනයක්‌ කරදගහමඩ පස්‌සරගහඅරාව ගම්මු කියති

Unemployment among educated (1)
Highest unemployment rate among educated people

Hedging issue (3)
මිලියන 200 ක හෙජින් අක්‍රමිකතාව ගැන හිටපු මහබැංකු අධිපතිගෙන් ප්‍රශ්න කරයි

හෙජින්වංචාවට කබ්රාල්ගෙන් ප්‍රශ්න කරයි

Former CB Governor grilled over hedging deal

Canals prepared for irrigation (1)

Canals prepared for irrigation

Hearing of new born babies (1)

Two day programme on hearing capabilities of new born babies

Medical vacancies (1)

GMOA fires warning shot over failure to fill crucial positions of medical administrators

Health staff issues (1)

Token strike to paralyse state hospitals on Thursday

Coal plant issues (1)

Environmental complaints pile up against proposed joint venture coal power plant with Indians