Sunday, June 26, 2011

Elephants and Train accidents - Wider picture (feature)

Gentle giants and babes at the mercy of roaring ‘yakada yakas

A collision between a train and three elephants that resulted in the death of all three, including one with calf along the railtrack between Galgamuwa and Ambanpola, throws up questions regarding warnings of elephant crossings and reckless train drivers.
Kumudini Hettiarachchi reports
Young and feisty, the world was at her feet. It was a nightly journey she had made many times with her mother, aunts, sisters and cousins. The second night after Poson was no different and Thushari, her mother and a baby relative, climbed up the embankment as they had done on numerous occasions, when out of the gloom thundered unexpected danger.


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