Monday, October 31, 2011

World Population hits 7 billion today... (2 posts)

ලෝක ජනගහනය බිලියන 7 ක්‌ කරන බිළිඳා අද ඉන්දියාවේ උපදියි

චතුර පමුණුව

ලෝක ජනගහනය අද (31 දා) දිනයේදී බිලියන 7 ක්‌ එනම් කෝටි 700 ක්‌ බවට පත්වේ.

ලෝක ජනගහනය බිලියන 7 ක්‌ බවට පත් කරන බිළි¹ අද ඉන්දියාවේ උත්තර් ප්‍රදේශයේදී ඉපදීමට නියමිත බව එරට රජය කියයි. 2030 වසරේදී ඉන්දියාව, චීනය පසුකර ලොව වැඩිම ජනගහනය ඇති රට බවට පත්වේ.

ලෝක ජනගහනය

ලෝකයේ ජනගහනය බිලියනයක්‌ බවට පත්වූයේ 1805 දී වන අතර 1922 දී එය බිලියන 2 ක්‌ බවට පත්විය. 1960 දී ජනගහනය බිලියන 3 ක්‌ වූ අතර 1974 දී බිලියන 04 ක්‌ බවටත් 1987 දී 05 ක්‌ බවටත් 1999 දී බිලියන 06 ක්‌ බවටත් පත්විය.

ලෝක ජනගහනය බිලියන 09 ක්‌ බවට පත්වීම 2045-2050 කාලයේදී සිදුවන බව ගණන් බලා ඇත.

World population to hit seven billion today

Ridma Dissanayake

A United Nations report released last week, revealed that the world population is to officially hit seven billion today.

The report entitled 'People and Possibilities in a World of 07 Billion' launched last week shows that the challenges ahead are formidable. It also contains snapshots from nine countries,where ordinary people,national demographic experts and policy makers talk about the challenges they face and how they confront them.

This report also talks about the issues and challenges confronting Sri Lanka.

It shows that there are five million young people in Sri Lanka and this is the largest population of young people in the country's history.

"Currently young people are interconnected like never before and they are transforming societies,politics and culture. But they also face a number of challenges in today's world. Many of these are related to growing up and managing relationships, the UN report revealed.

"Not only in Sri Lanka but in the whole world people under the age of 25 already make 43 percent of the world's population,reaching as much as 60 percent in some countries.

However the issue of population is not a matter of space.

The issue of population is one of equity,opportunity and social justice," the report added. "There is a dramatic increase in the number and proportion of older persons in Sri Lanka which in turn has led to various political, economic and social consequences and challenges.

Adequate responses from society are therefore needed when it comes to health services,long-term care,living arrangements,income and social security and protection against abuse to address the rights of the elderly," the report revealed. The 'People and Possibilities in a World of 07 Billion' report also discussed security,economic,strength and independence in old age, influences fertility, the power and impact migration, planning a need for growth of cities and sharing and sustaining earth's resources.

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