Thursday, October 13, 2011

Poverty Alleviation, Seminars and Conferences

By Dr. C. S. Weeraratne (

Since independence a number of poverty alleviation programmes have been implemented in Sri Lanka. The main objective of the Janasaviya programme, and the Samurdhi programme implemented in 1989 and 1995 respectively was reduction of poverty level. Samurdhi is the present lead national development programme for poverty alleviation in Sri Lanka.

According to the Dept. of Census and Statistics (DCS), in 2009/10, 8.9% of the people of Sri Lanka were considered ‘poor’. However, poverty in some districts is much higher. Poverty in Badulla, Moneragala and Batticaloa are 13.3%, 14.5%and 20.3 % respectively. Out of the 1.8 million "poor" people in Sri Lanka 84.7% of them are in rural areas. The poverty line i.e. the minimum expenditure per person per month to fulfil the basic needs as at August 2011 is Rs. 3241.00 per month. i. e. those who are getting more than Rs. 3,241 per month is considered to be not poor. This value needs to be made more realistic as we all know that Rs. 3241 per month is inadequate to meet the monthly expenses of an average family of 4 or above (assuming that there is only one person in the family earning an income.). In fact according to the DCS, in 2009/10 the Household Expenditure for an average family of 4 was Rs.31, 331 per month. Based on this criterion, it is surprising to note that the DCS has given the poverty line as Rs. 3341 per month. Obviously this value has to be more and hence the number of poor people in the country is more than 1.8 million.

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