ඒමන්ති මාරඹේ - ධම්මික සල්වතුර
මනුෂ්ය ආහාර හා පානීය ජලයට එක් කිරීම අන්තර්ජාතික වශයෙන් තහනම් කර ඇති "ටෙම්පෝස්" ((Temephos) නමැති පළිබෝධ නාශකය ජාතික ඩෙංගු මර්දන ව්යාපාරයේ ඉහළ නිලධාරීන් පිරිසක් විසින් මදුරු කීටයන් විනාශ කිරීම සඳහා මඩකලපුව, මහනුවර ඇතුළු ප්රදේශ කිහිපයක ළිං 9000 කට අධික සංඛ්යාවකට පසුගියදා යොදා ඇතැයි පරිසරවේදීහු පවසති.
මනුෂ්ය ශරීරයට අහිතකර මෙම පළිබෝධ නාශකය ළිංවලට යෙදීමෙන් ඉදිරියේදී සෞඛ්ය ගැටලු මෙන්ම පරිසරයට හානිකර තත්ත්වයක්ද හට ගනු ඇති බව පෙන්වා දෙන එම පරිසරවේදීන් මෙම විනාශකාරී ක්රියාව පිළිබඳව පරීක්ෂණ පවත්වා වගකිවයුත්තන්ට එරෙහිව සුදුසු පියවර ගන්නා ලෙස සෞඛ්ය ඇමැති මෛත්රිපාල සිරිසේන මහතාගෙන් ලිsත ඉල්ලීමක්ද කර තිබේ.
මඩකලපුවෙහි සේවය කරන පරිසරවේදීයකු වන මහේෂ් එදිරිමාන්න මහතා විසින් 2012-01-01 දා සෞඛ්ය ඇමැතිවරයා වෙත යවන ලද ලිsපියකින් පෙන්වා දී ඇත්තේ "ටෙම්පෝස්" නමැති මෙම පළිබෝධ නාශකය ලෝක පරිසර ආරක්ෂක සංවිධානය විසින් 2011 වසරේ පෙබරවාරි 25 වැනිදා අවලංගු කර ඇති පළිබෝධ නාශක ලැයිස්තුවටද ඇතුළත් වී ඇති බවයි.
ලෝක පරිසර ආරක්ෂක සංවිධානය විසින් නිකුත් කර ඇති "ටෙම්පෝස්" පළිබෝධනාශකය පිළිබඳ දත්ත සටහනෙහි එය කිසිසේත් පානීය ජලයෙහි භාවිත නොකළ යුතු බවත් එහි මාත්රාව වැඩි වූ විට මිනිසාට ස්නායු ආබාධ වමනය, කරකැවිල්ල, අධික ලෙස දහඩිය දැමීම, මාංශපේශී ආබාධ, පාචනය, ස්වසන ආබාධ යන රෝගබාධා ඇති වී මරණය පවා සිදු විය හැකි බව දක්වා තිබේ. එමෙන්ම මෙම පළිබෝධ නාශකය නිවෙස් ආශ්රිතව භාවිත නොකළ යුතු බවද එහි දක්වා තිබේ.
එමෙන්ම "ටෙම්පෝස්" පරිසරයට නිරාවරණය වීමෙන් මත්ස්යයන්, කුරුල්ලන් හා පරිසරයට හිතකර කෘමීන්ට හානිදායක බවද එම දත්ත සටහනෙහි පැහැදිලිව දක්වා තිබේ.
මේ සම්බන්ධ "දිවයින" විසින් සිදු කළ විමසුමකදී ජාතික ඩෙංගු මර්දන ව්යාපාරයේ ඉහළ නිලධාරියෙකු පවසා සිටියේ "ටෙම්පෝස්" පළිබෝධ නාශකය කාලයට සිටම මදුරු කීට නාශකයක් වශයෙන් ළිංවලට යොදන බවත් එය යෙදීම පිළිබඳව සෞඛ්ය අමාත්යංශයද දැනුවත් වී ඇති බවයි.
එහෙත් පරිසරවේදීන් පෙන්වා දෙනුයේ මෙම පළිබෝධ නාශකය ළිං වැනි මනුෂ්යයා හා ගැටෙන පරිසරයට නිරාවරණය වන මාධ්යයන්ට යෙදීම ජාත්යන්තර වශයෙන් තහනම් කර ඇති බවයි.
දකුණු ඇමරිකානු රටක් වන බ්රසීලය ඩෙංගු රෝගය පතුරුවන "ඊඩිස් ඊජිප්ටයි" මදුරු විශේෂය මර්දනය කිරීම සඳහා 1967 වසරේ සිට මෙම "ටෙම්පෝස්" පළිබෝධ නාශකය යොදා ගෙන ඇතත් පසුව එයට එම මදුරුවන් ඔරොත්තු දෙන බව අනාවරණය වී තිබේ.
මේ අතර ඩෙංගු රෝගය වැඩි වශයෙන් පැතිර පවතින කොළඹ නගර සභා සීමාව තුළ කාණු සඳහා පමණක් මදුරු කීට නාශකයක් වශයෙන් මෙම පළිබෝධනාශකය යොදා ගන්නා බව කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ මහජන සෞඛ්ය දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව පවසයි.
Green Movement Blog lists news and issues related to environment and development of Sri Lanka since June 2011. It is maintained by The Green Movement of Sri Lanka (GMSL), an organization concerned with environmental conservation and sustainable development.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
හරිතාගාර වායු මුදාහැරීමේ ප්රමාණයන් ගැන ලේඛනයක් සැකසීම අරඹයි
තුෂාරි කළුබෝවිල
ගෝලීය උණුසුම ඉහළ නැංවීම කෙරෙහි සෘජුවම බලපෑම් ඇති කරන හරිතාගාර වායු වායුගෝලයට මුදාහැරීමේ ප්රමාණයන් හා රටවල් සම්බන්ධයෙන් පර්යේෂණාත්මක ලේඛනයක් සැකසීම ඊයේ (30 වැනිදා) ආරම්භ කෙරිණි.
එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ දේශගුණ විපර්යාස පිළිබඳ රාමුගත සම්මුතිය (ඹභFCCC) හා ශ්රී ලංකා පරිසර අමාත්යාංශය එක්ව මෙම වැඩසටහන ආසියානු රටවල් 30 කට වැඩි පරිසර නියෝජිතයන්ගේ සහභාගිත්වයෙන් ඊයේ කොළඹදී අරඹනු ලැබීය.
ඒ ඒ රටවල නියෝජිතයන් දේශගුණ විපර්යාස පිළිබඳ ජාතික සන්නිවේදන වාර්තා සකස් කර පාර්ශ්ව සම්මේලන වෙත ඉදිරිපත් කළ යුතුය. හරිතාගාර වායු ලේඛනගත කිරීම මෙම වාර්තා සැකසීමේ ප්රධානතම අංගය වේ.
හරිතාගාර වායු බැහැර කිරීම පිණිස මෙම වැඩසටහනට දායක වන පාර්ශ්වකරුවන් කටයුතු කළ යුතුව ඇත.
ඒ අනුව සංවර්ධනය වෙමින් පවතින රටවල්වලට සන්නිවේදන වාර්තා සැකසීම මෙම රටවල පාර්ශ්වකරුවන්ගේ පර්යේෂණ කාර්යයේ අවසාන ලේඛනය වේ. මෙම පර්යේෂණය සිදුකිරීම සඳහා අවශ්ය තාක්ෂණික දැනුම ලබාදීම හරිතාගාර වායු ලේඛනගත කිරීමේ විශේෂඥයන් විසින් සියලු රටවල පාර්ශ්වකරුවන් උදෙසා ඊයේ ආරම්භ කරනු ලැබීය.
මෙම අවස්ථාවට එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ දේශගුණ විපර්යාස පිළිබඳ රාමුගත සම්මුතියේ සභාපති ඇතුළු නියෝජිතයන් පිරිසක්, පරිසර ඇමැති අනුර ප්රියදර්ශන යාපා, පරිසර අමාත්යාංශයේ දේශගුණ විපර්යාස අංශයේ සහකාර අධ්යක්ෂ අනෝජා හේරත් මහතා ඇතුළු පිරිසක් සහභාගි විය.
ගෝලීය උණුසුම ඉහළ නැංවීම කෙරෙහි සෘජුවම බලපෑම් ඇති කරන හරිතාගාර වායු වායුගෝලයට මුදාහැරීමේ ප්රමාණයන් හා රටවල් සම්බන්ධයෙන් පර්යේෂණාත්මක ලේඛනයක් සැකසීම ඊයේ (30 වැනිදා) ආරම්භ කෙරිණි.
එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ දේශගුණ විපර්යාස පිළිබඳ රාමුගත සම්මුතිය (ඹභFCCC) හා ශ්රී ලංකා පරිසර අමාත්යාංශය එක්ව මෙම වැඩසටහන ආසියානු රටවල් 30 කට වැඩි පරිසර නියෝජිතයන්ගේ සහභාගිත්වයෙන් ඊයේ කොළඹදී අරඹනු ලැබීය.
ඒ ඒ රටවල නියෝජිතයන් දේශගුණ විපර්යාස පිළිබඳ ජාතික සන්නිවේදන වාර්තා සකස් කර පාර්ශ්ව සම්මේලන වෙත ඉදිරිපත් කළ යුතුය. හරිතාගාර වායු ලේඛනගත කිරීම මෙම වාර්තා සැකසීමේ ප්රධානතම අංගය වේ.
හරිතාගාර වායු බැහැර කිරීම පිණිස මෙම වැඩසටහනට දායක වන පාර්ශ්වකරුවන් කටයුතු කළ යුතුව ඇත.
ඒ අනුව සංවර්ධනය වෙමින් පවතින රටවල්වලට සන්නිවේදන වාර්තා සැකසීම මෙම රටවල පාර්ශ්වකරුවන්ගේ පර්යේෂණ කාර්යයේ අවසාන ලේඛනය වේ. මෙම පර්යේෂණය සිදුකිරීම සඳහා අවශ්ය තාක්ෂණික දැනුම ලබාදීම හරිතාගාර වායු ලේඛනගත කිරීමේ විශේෂඥයන් විසින් සියලු රටවල පාර්ශ්වකරුවන් උදෙසා ඊයේ ආරම්භ කරනු ලැබීය.
මෙම අවස්ථාවට එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ දේශගුණ විපර්යාස පිළිබඳ රාමුගත සම්මුතියේ සභාපති ඇතුළු නියෝජිතයන් පිරිසක්, පරිසර ඇමැති අනුර ප්රියදර්ශන යාපා, පරිසර අමාත්යාංශයේ දේශගුණ විපර්යාස අංශයේ සහකාර අධ්යක්ෂ අනෝජා හේරත් මහතා ඇතුළු පිරිසක් සහභාගි විය.
Fake Doctors to be nabbed (2 items)
ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරුන්ට සිර දඬුවම් ලබාදීමේ නීති කෙටුම්පත් සැකසෙයි
සන්ධ්යා කරුණාරත්න
වෛද්යවරුන් ලෙස පෙනීසිටින වංචනික පුද්ගලයන්ට (ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරුන්ට) එරෙහිව සිර දඬුවම් නියම කිරීමට අවශ්ය නීති කෙටුම්පත් සකස් කිරීමේ කටයුතු සෞඛ්ය අමාත්යාංශය මඟින් මේ වන විට සකස් කරමින් පවතියි. වෛද්යවරුන් ලෙස පෙනීසිටින වංචනික පුද්ගලයන්ට එරෙහිව ක්රියාත්මක වන්නේ සුළු දඩයක් නිසා එම පුද්ගලයන් දඩය ගෙවා ගොස් නැවතත් ව්යාජ වෛද්ය ප්රතිකාර කටයුතුවල නිරත වන බවට වාර්තා වන්නේ යැයි රජයේ වෛද්ය නිලධාරින්ගේ සංගමයේ සභාපති වෛද්ය අනුරුද්ධ පාදෙනිය මහතා පවසයි.
මේ පුද්ගලයන්ට එරෙහිව පවතින නීතිවල ලිහිල්භාවය නිසා මෙසේ ව්යාජ වෛද්ය ප්රතිකාරවල යෙදීමට ඔවුහු කටයුතු කරති.
මෙවැනි ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරුන් 40,000 ක් පමණ මෙරට සිටින බවත් ඔවුන්ට එරෙහිව නීතිය ක්රියාත්මක වීමේ යම් ගැටලුවක් පවතින බවත් පැවැසූ ඒ මහතා මෙසේ සිරදඬුවම් නියම කිරීම මඟින් මෙරට සිටින ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරු ඉවත් කළ හැකි බවත් පැවැසීය.
රෝගී ප්රතිකාර සේවයේ යෙදෙන මෙවැනි වංචනික පුද්ගලයන් නීතියේ රැහැනට හසුකර ගෙන ඔවුන්ට දඬුවම් ලබාදීමේ ක්රමවේදයක් වසර 2007 දී ආරම්භ කළත් එය වර්තමානය වන විට ක්රියාත්මක වීමේ අඩුවක් පවතින්නේ යැයි ද වෛද්ය පාදෙනිය මහතා කීය.
සෞඛ්ය අමාත්යාංශය, පොලිසිය, නීතිපති දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව එක්ව මේ පුද්ගලන්ට එරෙහිව සිර දඬුවම් නියම කිරීමේ කටයුතුවලට පියවර ගත යුතු යැයි ද වෛද්ය පාදෙනිය මහතා ප්රකාශ කළේය.
සෑම පොලිස් කොට්ඨාසයකම රෝගී ප්රතිකාර සේවයේ යෙදී සිටින වෛද්යවරුන්ගේ තොරතුරු ගෙන සංගණනය කිරීම මඟින් ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරුන් කවුදැයි සොයා ගත හැකිය.
බටහිර වෛද්යවරු, ආයුර්වේද වෛද්යවරු, හෝමියෝපති වෛද්යවරු ලෙස නීති්යානුකූලව සේවයේ යෙදෙන වෛද්යවරු කොට්ඨාසයක් සිටිති. මෙසේ නීති්යානුකූලව ලියාපදිංචිව නොමැති පුද්ගලයන් ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරුන් ලෙස හඳුනාගන්නා අතර ඔවුන්ගෙන් මේ සමාජයට විශාල අහිතකර බලපෑමක් සිදු වන බව ද ඒ මහතා ප්රකාශ කරයි.
රෝගීන්ගේ ජීවිත අවදානම් මට්ටමකට පත්කිරීම මේ පුද්ගලයන් නිසා සිදු වන අතර මොවුන් සෞඛ්ය ප්රතිපත්ති ක්රියාත්මක කිරීමට හා රටේ ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන ක්රියාවලියට බලපෑමක් සිදු කරන බව ද හෙතෙම කීය.
රට පුරා විසිරී සිටින හොර වෛද්යවරුන් අල්ලන මෙහෙයුමක්
ශ්රියානි විජේසිංහ
රට පුරා විසිරී සිටින හොර වෛද්යවරුන් අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීමට පොලීසිය හා සෞඛ්ය අමාත්යංශය එක්ව විශේෂ මෙහෙයුමක් ආරම්භ කිරීමට තීරණය කර ඇත.ශ්රී ලංකා වෛද්ය සභාවේ, ආයුර්වේද වෛද්ය සභාවේ හෝ හෝමියෝපති වෛද්ය සභාවේ ලියාපදිංචි නොමැති වෛද්යවරුන් 40,000ට අධික සංඛ්යාවක් රට පුරා විසිරී සිටින බවට මීට වසර පහකට පමණ පෙර පොලීසිය කරන ලද සමීක්ෂණයකදී හෙළි වූ බව රජයේ වෛද්ය නිලධාරීන්ගේ සංගමයේ සභාපති ස්නායු ළමා රෝග විශේෂඥ වෛද්ය අනුරුද්ධ පාදෙනිය මහතා සඳහන් කළේය.
වෛද්ය සභාවක ලියාපදිංචි නොවූ පුද්ගලයකු වෛද්ය සේවයේ යෙදී සිටියදී අත්අඩංගුවට ගත් විට සුළු දඩ මුදලක් නියම කිරීම දැනට පවතින නීතිය බැවින් එම නීතිය සංශෝධනය කිරීමට අවශ්ය යෝජනා නීතිපති දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවට ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමටද සංගමය කටයුතු කරන බවද හෙතෙම කීය.
මීට අමතරව වෛද්ය සභාව තුළ ලියාපදිංචි නොවී වෛද්ය සේවයේ යෙදෙන වෛද්යවරුන්ගේ නම් ජංගම දුරකතන ඔස්සේ කෙටි පණිවුඩ මගින් ප්රසිද්ධ කිරීමට කටයුතු කරන බවද වෛද්ය පාදෙනිය මහතා සඳහන් කළේය.
සන්ධ්යා කරුණාරත්න
වෛද්යවරුන් ලෙස පෙනීසිටින වංචනික පුද්ගලයන්ට (ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරුන්ට) එරෙහිව සිර දඬුවම් නියම කිරීමට අවශ්ය නීති කෙටුම්පත් සකස් කිරීමේ කටයුතු සෞඛ්ය අමාත්යාංශය මඟින් මේ වන විට සකස් කරමින් පවතියි. වෛද්යවරුන් ලෙස පෙනීසිටින වංචනික පුද්ගලයන්ට එරෙහිව ක්රියාත්මක වන්නේ සුළු දඩයක් නිසා එම පුද්ගලයන් දඩය ගෙවා ගොස් නැවතත් ව්යාජ වෛද්ය ප්රතිකාර කටයුතුවල නිරත වන බවට වාර්තා වන්නේ යැයි රජයේ වෛද්ය නිලධාරින්ගේ සංගමයේ සභාපති වෛද්ය අනුරුද්ධ පාදෙනිය මහතා පවසයි.
මේ පුද්ගලයන්ට එරෙහිව පවතින නීතිවල ලිහිල්භාවය නිසා මෙසේ ව්යාජ වෛද්ය ප්රතිකාරවල යෙදීමට ඔවුහු කටයුතු කරති.
මෙවැනි ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරුන් 40,000 ක් පමණ මෙරට සිටින බවත් ඔවුන්ට එරෙහිව නීතිය ක්රියාත්මක වීමේ යම් ගැටලුවක් පවතින බවත් පැවැසූ ඒ මහතා මෙසේ සිරදඬුවම් නියම කිරීම මඟින් මෙරට සිටින ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරු ඉවත් කළ හැකි බවත් පැවැසීය.
රෝගී ප්රතිකාර සේවයේ යෙදෙන මෙවැනි වංචනික පුද්ගලයන් නීතියේ රැහැනට හසුකර ගෙන ඔවුන්ට දඬුවම් ලබාදීමේ ක්රමවේදයක් වසර 2007 දී ආරම්භ කළත් එය වර්තමානය වන විට ක්රියාත්මක වීමේ අඩුවක් පවතින්නේ යැයි ද වෛද්ය පාදෙනිය මහතා කීය.
සෞඛ්ය අමාත්යාංශය, පොලිසිය, නීතිපති දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව එක්ව මේ පුද්ගලන්ට එරෙහිව සිර දඬුවම් නියම කිරීමේ කටයුතුවලට පියවර ගත යුතු යැයි ද වෛද්ය පාදෙනිය මහතා ප්රකාශ කළේය.
සෑම පොලිස් කොට්ඨාසයකම රෝගී ප්රතිකාර සේවයේ යෙදී සිටින වෛද්යවරුන්ගේ තොරතුරු ගෙන සංගණනය කිරීම මඟින් ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරුන් කවුදැයි සොයා ගත හැකිය.
බටහිර වෛද්යවරු, ආයුර්වේද වෛද්යවරු, හෝමියෝපති වෛද්යවරු ලෙස නීති්යානුකූලව සේවයේ යෙදෙන වෛද්යවරු කොට්ඨාසයක් සිටිති. මෙසේ නීති්යානුකූලව ලියාපදිංචිව නොමැති පුද්ගලයන් ව්යාජ වෛද්යවරුන් ලෙස හඳුනාගන්නා අතර ඔවුන්ගෙන් මේ සමාජයට විශාල අහිතකර බලපෑමක් සිදු වන බව ද ඒ මහතා ප්රකාශ කරයි.
රෝගීන්ගේ ජීවිත අවදානම් මට්ටමකට පත්කිරීම මේ පුද්ගලයන් නිසා සිදු වන අතර මොවුන් සෞඛ්ය ප්රතිපත්ති ක්රියාත්මක කිරීමට හා රටේ ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන ක්රියාවලියට බලපෑමක් සිදු කරන බව ද හෙතෙම කීය.
රට පුරා විසිරී සිටින හොර වෛද්යවරුන් අල්ලන මෙහෙයුමක්
ශ්රියානි විජේසිංහ
රට පුරා විසිරී සිටින හොර වෛද්යවරුන් අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීමට පොලීසිය හා සෞඛ්ය අමාත්යංශය එක්ව විශේෂ මෙහෙයුමක් ආරම්භ කිරීමට තීරණය කර ඇත.ශ්රී ලංකා වෛද්ය සභාවේ, ආයුර්වේද වෛද්ය සභාවේ හෝ හෝමියෝපති වෛද්ය සභාවේ ලියාපදිංචි නොමැති වෛද්යවරුන් 40,000ට අධික සංඛ්යාවක් රට පුරා විසිරී සිටින බවට මීට වසර පහකට පමණ පෙර පොලීසිය කරන ලද සමීක්ෂණයකදී හෙළි වූ බව රජයේ වෛද්ය නිලධාරීන්ගේ සංගමයේ සභාපති ස්නායු ළමා රෝග විශේෂඥ වෛද්ය අනුරුද්ධ පාදෙනිය මහතා සඳහන් කළේය.
වෛද්ය සභාවක ලියාපදිංචි නොවූ පුද්ගලයකු වෛද්ය සේවයේ යෙදී සිටියදී අත්අඩංගුවට ගත් විට සුළු දඩ මුදලක් නියම කිරීම දැනට පවතින නීතිය බැවින් එම නීතිය සංශෝධනය කිරීමට අවශ්ය යෝජනා නීතිපති දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවට ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමටද සංගමය කටයුතු කරන බවද හෙතෙම කීය.
මීට අමතරව වෛද්ය සභාව තුළ ලියාපදිංචි නොවී වෛද්ය සේවයේ යෙදෙන වෛද්යවරුන්ගේ නම් ජංගම දුරකතන ඔස්සේ කෙටි පණිවුඩ මගින් ප්රසිද්ධ කිරීමට කටයුතු කරන බවද වෛද්ය පාදෙනිය මහතා සඳහන් කළේය.
Prawn farming project in Kilinochchi
A natural prawn farming project was launched under the guidance and assistance of NAQDA in the Chundikulam reservoir in the Kilinochchi district by Traditional Industries and Small Enterprise Development Minister Douglas Devananda.
The reservoir extends over 32,500 acres and holds a massive volume of brackish water. It is envisaged to be ideal for the project.
Northern Provincial Council Chief Secretary Vijayaluxmi under the instructions of Northern Province Governor Major General G.A. Chandrasiri has allocated Rs 15 million to start the project.
NAQDA Secretary General Nimalchandra and Thayaparan, a businessman, have also assisted in the project.
The latter's role is to purchase the entire catch from the fishermen at a fair price and export the entire harvest to foreign markets.
The minister released about 25 million post larvae obtained from different breeding centres in the island into the reservoir. For the management of this project, 14 co-operatives have been set up with a membership of about 1,500. A fully grown prawn will weigh about 100 gms and harvest could be obtained in a period of 3½ months. Unlike fresh water prawns, these brackish water prawns do not need special food or supplying of oxygen as they solely feed on micro organisms found in the water.
A capital is not needed for farming these prawns. Harvesting also needs to be done at the right time. Failure to do so would result in the death of these brackish water prawns.
There is a huge demand for these prawns in foreign countries and a kilogram fetches about Rs 500. At harvest time, a fisherman could easily catch about 100 kilograms of prawns per day thus contributing for the enhancement of their income.
NAQDA organization and Thayaparan expect to buy the entire stock of prawns during the harvest. There is also a big demand for these brackish water prawns farmed under natural conditions than those from prawn farms. In Singapore, a kilogram of brackish water prawns could fetch about 10 dollars.
The minister will take action to farm fresh water and sea water fish and prawns in all fresh water and brackish water reservoirs in the Northern region, as a measure to provide the protein requirement of the people, especially that of children.
The reservoir extends over 32,500 acres and holds a massive volume of brackish water. It is envisaged to be ideal for the project.
Northern Provincial Council Chief Secretary Vijayaluxmi under the instructions of Northern Province Governor Major General G.A. Chandrasiri has allocated Rs 15 million to start the project.
NAQDA Secretary General Nimalchandra and Thayaparan, a businessman, have also assisted in the project.
The latter's role is to purchase the entire catch from the fishermen at a fair price and export the entire harvest to foreign markets.
The minister released about 25 million post larvae obtained from different breeding centres in the island into the reservoir. For the management of this project, 14 co-operatives have been set up with a membership of about 1,500. A fully grown prawn will weigh about 100 gms and harvest could be obtained in a period of 3½ months. Unlike fresh water prawns, these brackish water prawns do not need special food or supplying of oxygen as they solely feed on micro organisms found in the water.
A capital is not needed for farming these prawns. Harvesting also needs to be done at the right time. Failure to do so would result in the death of these brackish water prawns.
There is a huge demand for these prawns in foreign countries and a kilogram fetches about Rs 500. At harvest time, a fisherman could easily catch about 100 kilograms of prawns per day thus contributing for the enhancement of their income.
NAQDA organization and Thayaparan expect to buy the entire stock of prawns during the harvest. There is also a big demand for these brackish water prawns farmed under natural conditions than those from prawn farms. In Singapore, a kilogram of brackish water prawns could fetch about 10 dollars.
The minister will take action to farm fresh water and sea water fish and prawns in all fresh water and brackish water reservoirs in the Northern region, as a measure to provide the protein requirement of the people, especially that of children.
Rs. two billion for Northern health dev.
Nadira Gunatilleke
The Health Ministry received Rs. two billion from the Global Fund to develop health facilities in the Northern Province as a response to a request made by Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena. A massive development drive is to be implemented under a five year plan (2011 - 2016) to upgrade health facilities in the Northern Province, a Health Ministry spokesman said.
According to the spokesman, health facilities in the North Jaffna, Killinochchi, Mulaitivu, Mannar and Vavuniya districts are to be developed under the five year development plan. Curative care and infrastructure facilities are to be upgraded. Twenty new OPDs and 10 MOH offices are to be built for state hospitals in the North.
“Around 40 new medical laboratories and two regional training centres will be built in the Northern Province under the same development plan. Vehicles will also be provided for the laboratories and regional training centres utilizing the same funds. Malaria and TB control units will also be set up in the province”, he said
“A special discussion was held at the Medical Research Institute (MRI), Colombo yesterday in connection with the implementation of the five year development plan. The discussion was headed by Health Ministry Additional Secretary Dr. Palitha Mahipala with Northern Province health authorities participating”, he added.
The Health Ministry received Rs. two billion from the Global Fund to develop health facilities in the Northern Province as a response to a request made by Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena. A massive development drive is to be implemented under a five year plan (2011 - 2016) to upgrade health facilities in the Northern Province, a Health Ministry spokesman said.
According to the spokesman, health facilities in the North Jaffna, Killinochchi, Mulaitivu, Mannar and Vavuniya districts are to be developed under the five year development plan. Curative care and infrastructure facilities are to be upgraded. Twenty new OPDs and 10 MOH offices are to be built for state hospitals in the North.
“Around 40 new medical laboratories and two regional training centres will be built in the Northern Province under the same development plan. Vehicles will also be provided for the laboratories and regional training centres utilizing the same funds. Malaria and TB control units will also be set up in the province”, he said
“A special discussion was held at the Medical Research Institute (MRI), Colombo yesterday in connection with the implementation of the five year development plan. The discussion was headed by Health Ministry Additional Secretary Dr. Palitha Mahipala with Northern Province health authorities participating”, he added.
USD 827 m worth machinery for road and irrigation development
Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa, participated in the handing over ceremony of USD 827 million worth of machinery to expedite the Provincial Road Development Programme and Irrigation System Development Programme initiated by the Economic Development Ministry islandwide.
The machinery were handed over at a ceremony held in Colombo Municipal Grounds yesterday. Acting on the instructions of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa initiated the Provincial Road Development Project to create a good road network islandwide. Under this programme a stretch of 3,740 kms of roads will be developed and carpeted in all districts.
The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 22,000 million. The proposed development includes carpeting of roads, improvement of pavements, bridges, drainage and replacement of culverts. The ministry has implemented a programme to rehabilitation and develop the irrigation system islandwide.
The machinery were provided to Irrigation and Water Resources Management Ministry, Agrarian services and Wildlife Ministry, State Engineering Corporation, Road Development Authority, Western Province Road Development Authority and several other government institutions. Construction, Engineering Services, Hosing and Common Amenities Deputy Minister Lasantha Algiyawanna, Southern Provincial Council Minister Chandima Rasaputhra and Port and Highways Ministry Secretary R. W. R. Premasiri also participated.
The machinery were handed over at a ceremony held in Colombo Municipal Grounds yesterday. Acting on the instructions of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa initiated the Provincial Road Development Project to create a good road network islandwide. Under this programme a stretch of 3,740 kms of roads will be developed and carpeted in all districts.
The estimated cost of the project is Rs. 22,000 million. The proposed development includes carpeting of roads, improvement of pavements, bridges, drainage and replacement of culverts. The ministry has implemented a programme to rehabilitation and develop the irrigation system islandwide.
The machinery were provided to Irrigation and Water Resources Management Ministry, Agrarian services and Wildlife Ministry, State Engineering Corporation, Road Development Authority, Western Province Road Development Authority and several other government institutions. Construction, Engineering Services, Hosing and Common Amenities Deputy Minister Lasantha Algiyawanna, Southern Provincial Council Minister Chandima Rasaputhra and Port and Highways Ministry Secretary R. W. R. Premasiri also participated.
Training on handling dangerous chemicals
Arrangements have now been made to provide professional knowledge and training to local personnel on the safe import, handling, storage and transport of dangerous chemicals, chairman Naval and Air Services Information and Training Institute K Hewage said.
On the directives of Civil Aviation Minister Priyankara Jayaratne this training programme is implemented in collaboration with the National Authority responsible for implementing the International Convention on Chemical Weapons, said Hewage in a press release.
The training is provided for Airport staff engaged in the relevant duties and the Institute's Fire Brigade personnel.
This programme is aimed to transform Sri Lanka as the most secure and safest place in Asia for handling dangerous chemicals according to Dr Rohan Perera, Chairman for the National Authority for implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention.
On the directives of Civil Aviation Minister Priyankara Jayaratne this training programme is implemented in collaboration with the National Authority responsible for implementing the International Convention on Chemical Weapons, said Hewage in a press release.
The training is provided for Airport staff engaged in the relevant duties and the Institute's Fire Brigade personnel.
This programme is aimed to transform Sri Lanka as the most secure and safest place in Asia for handling dangerous chemicals according to Dr Rohan Perera, Chairman for the National Authority for implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Towards sustainable fisheries development
Lionel Wijesiri
Fish - a rich source of protein
All measures are in place to increase the per capita fish consumption in Sri Lanka to 22 kilograms from the current 11.4 kilograms, said Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Minister Dr. Rajitha Senaratne recently. The minister was addressing the opening ceremony of the 105th Ceylon Fisheries Corporation (CFC) fish stall established in Kalutara, recently.
He added, “Another 145 CFC fish stalls will be established in the country before the end of this year. At present, the CFC is the main fish supplier for Sathosa outlets while supplying iced fish to the 150 outlets out of the 225”.
Nutritional value
The nutritional quality of fish and shellfish is similar but somewhat higher than that in meat and dairy products (milk), and less than that in eggs. The protein content of most fish species varies between 15-20 percent; fat content varies more widely than protein, water, or mineral content. Fish provides a good combination of amino-acids well suited to human nutritional requirements.
Fish is particularly high in lysine (in which cereal proteins are relatively low) and sulphur amino-acids; this makes it extremely efficient in supplementing the low protein/high carbohydrate diets of most of the countries in the region. A relatively small amount of fish protein in combination with a cereal-based diet therefore enhances the nutritional quality of the cereal protein and improves the overall quality of the diet, including the taste.
In addition, fish and fishery products are high in vitamins (particularly A, B and D), a good selection of minerals (especially phosphorus, calcium, and iron), trace elements, and iodine in the marine species. The high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids also contributes significantly to essential fatty acid requirements important in some cases in lowering blood cholesterol levels.
High potential
Sri Lankans have a huge appetite for fish. Though the island is surrounded by sea, with a coastline of over 1,700 km on all sides, it is heavily dependent on seafood imports to satisfy the varying consumer needs. Sri Lanka imports over 90,000 MT of fish and fishery products equivalents annually to supplement its domestic production of around 440,000 MT. On the brighter side, we have exported about 20,000 MT in 2011.
Thora, Thalapath, Kelawalla, Mora and Mullet (other than prawns) belong to the higher-priced bracket of fish and are consumed regularly by upper and middle classes of the society. Sri Lankans also are heavy consumers of dried fish. Over 20,000 MT of dried fish and 25,000 MT of dried sprat were imported in 2011. This is poor man's staple fish product, especially those in rural areas and in inland tea and rubber plantations.
These figures indicate that our potential to augment fish production is huge and we are still a long way from tapping these rich and productive resources. The government is making conscious and concerted efforts to realize this potential. One of the primary initiatives of our government has been to accelerate the development activities in this sector through a coordinated and targeted approach.
We should be happy to note that the fisheries sector is now well poised for a quantum leap in all its areas such as reservoir development, aquaculture, processing and marketing, enhanced capture fisheries etc.
There are plans to open up a tinned fish factory in Galle soon, with a capacity to produce 10,000 cans, and another factory in February, which will produce 20,000 cans a day, and the NHF will open a factory to produce 12,000 cans a day. This is a good move since we are presently importing about 17,000 MT of canned fish annually.
We have now 18 Functioning Major Fishery harbours, 33 Minor Fish Landing Centres, Ice Production Capacity is now 2100 MT per day, our Cool Rooms Capacity is now over 2,500 tons and six Fishing Gear Factories. Compared to few years ago, these are good improvements.
Regarding the fishing industry in the North, according to the Ministry sources, the contribution of the North during the national fishing harvest before the conflict had been 43 percent. But that rate had been 7 percent when the conflict ended and by now it had been increased to 14 percent. The government has spent a sum of Rs 1,400 million for the salt water fishing industry and Rs 445 million for the fresh water industry in the North.
Fish festival
Simultaneously, the government aims to put management and conservation measures in place for sustainable growth of the sector.
With all these activities on line, I think it is time for the Fisheries Ministry to start a Sri Lankan Fish Festival. Such a festival would provide an ideal platform to showcase the latest technologies and practices associated with fisheries. The main objective of this festival is to bring the fish farmers, technocrats, feed manufacturers, R & D institutions, traders involved in fisheries and consumers under one platform to discuss the recent developments in production technologies and strategies for marketing of fish and fishery products. The show can also aim to create awareness among the consumers on fish as a healthy food.
During the Fish Festival technical sessions can be arranged, wherein country's renowned scientists, aqua farmers, technocrats and business houses will discuss the latest technologies in production, processing, value addition and marketing of fish. Business opportunities for ornamental fisheries can also be explored in the festival.
The festival can be the showcase huge collection of freshwater and marine ornamental fishes as exclusive pavilion to pave way for the breeders to establish new business contacts for prosperity in trade and livelihood support. An exclusive pavilion for food courts would give a real time experience to the consumers on different tastes and varieties of fishes brought from all parts of the country. In a nutshell, the festival will bring all the stakeholders involved in fisheries under one platform for increased understanding of the concerns and opportunities to achieve its goals for increasing production, processing, marketing and consumption.
Future development
The future development of aquaculture and fisheries depends on adoption of new and innovative production technologies, management and utilization of under-utilized water resources and enhancing domestic consumption. Reservoir fisheries offer a major opportunity to enhance fish production in the country.
While the coastal fisheries have been fully exploited, deep sea resources are yet to be harnessed fully. Diversification of production by introducing new commercial species, adoption of new technologies like cage culture and introduction of processing units for value added products could add new dimensions to the sector. Proper post-harvest handling, reduction of post-harvest losses and hygienic primary processing are important to ensure quality and prevent wastage. Simultaneously, cold chain development and hygienic marketing arrangements should be made to ensure adequate returns to the fishermen as also make available good quality fish at affordable prices to the consumers.
The Sri Lankan fisheries and aquaculture is slowly beginning to receive the rightful attention from the developmental, marketing and policy sectors. The new initiatives of the minister coupled with the much needed changes in the national policy outlooks will hopefully infuse the enthusiasm to convert this sector in to a good business model to harness the potential opportunities within the country for increased and knowledge-driven fishery and aquaculture production.
The fundamental objective for fisheries development in Sri Lanka is to obtain the maximum sustainable yield from the regional fisheries resources in order to (a) intensify the production of low-cost protein food to reduce the growing protein deficit in the country and (b) improve the present trade balance through increased exportation and import substitution. The development of fisheries offers the perspective of significant improvement in both areas considering the low-cost accessibility of these valuable natural resources, as well as the availability of needed human and technological resources.
Fish - a rich source of protein
All measures are in place to increase the per capita fish consumption in Sri Lanka to 22 kilograms from the current 11.4 kilograms, said Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Minister Dr. Rajitha Senaratne recently. The minister was addressing the opening ceremony of the 105th Ceylon Fisheries Corporation (CFC) fish stall established in Kalutara, recently.
He added, “Another 145 CFC fish stalls will be established in the country before the end of this year. At present, the CFC is the main fish supplier for Sathosa outlets while supplying iced fish to the 150 outlets out of the 225”.
Nutritional value
The nutritional quality of fish and shellfish is similar but somewhat higher than that in meat and dairy products (milk), and less than that in eggs. The protein content of most fish species varies between 15-20 percent; fat content varies more widely than protein, water, or mineral content. Fish provides a good combination of amino-acids well suited to human nutritional requirements.
Fish is particularly high in lysine (in which cereal proteins are relatively low) and sulphur amino-acids; this makes it extremely efficient in supplementing the low protein/high carbohydrate diets of most of the countries in the region. A relatively small amount of fish protein in combination with a cereal-based diet therefore enhances the nutritional quality of the cereal protein and improves the overall quality of the diet, including the taste.
In addition, fish and fishery products are high in vitamins (particularly A, B and D), a good selection of minerals (especially phosphorus, calcium, and iron), trace elements, and iodine in the marine species. The high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids also contributes significantly to essential fatty acid requirements important in some cases in lowering blood cholesterol levels.
High potential
Sri Lankans have a huge appetite for fish. Though the island is surrounded by sea, with a coastline of over 1,700 km on all sides, it is heavily dependent on seafood imports to satisfy the varying consumer needs. Sri Lanka imports over 90,000 MT of fish and fishery products equivalents annually to supplement its domestic production of around 440,000 MT. On the brighter side, we have exported about 20,000 MT in 2011.
Thora, Thalapath, Kelawalla, Mora and Mullet (other than prawns) belong to the higher-priced bracket of fish and are consumed regularly by upper and middle classes of the society. Sri Lankans also are heavy consumers of dried fish. Over 20,000 MT of dried fish and 25,000 MT of dried sprat were imported in 2011. This is poor man's staple fish product, especially those in rural areas and in inland tea and rubber plantations.
These figures indicate that our potential to augment fish production is huge and we are still a long way from tapping these rich and productive resources. The government is making conscious and concerted efforts to realize this potential. One of the primary initiatives of our government has been to accelerate the development activities in this sector through a coordinated and targeted approach.
We should be happy to note that the fisheries sector is now well poised for a quantum leap in all its areas such as reservoir development, aquaculture, processing and marketing, enhanced capture fisheries etc.
There are plans to open up a tinned fish factory in Galle soon, with a capacity to produce 10,000 cans, and another factory in February, which will produce 20,000 cans a day, and the NHF will open a factory to produce 12,000 cans a day. This is a good move since we are presently importing about 17,000 MT of canned fish annually.
We have now 18 Functioning Major Fishery harbours, 33 Minor Fish Landing Centres, Ice Production Capacity is now 2100 MT per day, our Cool Rooms Capacity is now over 2,500 tons and six Fishing Gear Factories. Compared to few years ago, these are good improvements.
Regarding the fishing industry in the North, according to the Ministry sources, the contribution of the North during the national fishing harvest before the conflict had been 43 percent. But that rate had been 7 percent when the conflict ended and by now it had been increased to 14 percent. The government has spent a sum of Rs 1,400 million for the salt water fishing industry and Rs 445 million for the fresh water industry in the North.
Fish festival
Simultaneously, the government aims to put management and conservation measures in place for sustainable growth of the sector.
With all these activities on line, I think it is time for the Fisheries Ministry to start a Sri Lankan Fish Festival. Such a festival would provide an ideal platform to showcase the latest technologies and practices associated with fisheries. The main objective of this festival is to bring the fish farmers, technocrats, feed manufacturers, R & D institutions, traders involved in fisheries and consumers under one platform to discuss the recent developments in production technologies and strategies for marketing of fish and fishery products. The show can also aim to create awareness among the consumers on fish as a healthy food.
During the Fish Festival technical sessions can be arranged, wherein country's renowned scientists, aqua farmers, technocrats and business houses will discuss the latest technologies in production, processing, value addition and marketing of fish. Business opportunities for ornamental fisheries can also be explored in the festival.
The festival can be the showcase huge collection of freshwater and marine ornamental fishes as exclusive pavilion to pave way for the breeders to establish new business contacts for prosperity in trade and livelihood support. An exclusive pavilion for food courts would give a real time experience to the consumers on different tastes and varieties of fishes brought from all parts of the country. In a nutshell, the festival will bring all the stakeholders involved in fisheries under one platform for increased understanding of the concerns and opportunities to achieve its goals for increasing production, processing, marketing and consumption.
Future development
The future development of aquaculture and fisheries depends on adoption of new and innovative production technologies, management and utilization of under-utilized water resources and enhancing domestic consumption. Reservoir fisheries offer a major opportunity to enhance fish production in the country.
While the coastal fisheries have been fully exploited, deep sea resources are yet to be harnessed fully. Diversification of production by introducing new commercial species, adoption of new technologies like cage culture and introduction of processing units for value added products could add new dimensions to the sector. Proper post-harvest handling, reduction of post-harvest losses and hygienic primary processing are important to ensure quality and prevent wastage. Simultaneously, cold chain development and hygienic marketing arrangements should be made to ensure adequate returns to the fishermen as also make available good quality fish at affordable prices to the consumers.
The Sri Lankan fisheries and aquaculture is slowly beginning to receive the rightful attention from the developmental, marketing and policy sectors. The new initiatives of the minister coupled with the much needed changes in the national policy outlooks will hopefully infuse the enthusiasm to convert this sector in to a good business model to harness the potential opportunities within the country for increased and knowledge-driven fishery and aquaculture production.
The fundamental objective for fisheries development in Sri Lanka is to obtain the maximum sustainable yield from the regional fisheries resources in order to (a) intensify the production of low-cost protein food to reduce the growing protein deficit in the country and (b) improve the present trade balance through increased exportation and import substitution. The development of fisheries offers the perspective of significant improvement in both areas considering the low-cost accessibility of these valuable natural resources, as well as the availability of needed human and technological resources.
Lanka among top five travel destinations
Sri Lanka has been named among the top five destinations in Kuoni’s annual poll of where UK customers want to spend their holidays. Sri Lanka also retained the number one destination for weddings, according to the report.
The top five holiday destinations for 2012 are the Maldives, Thailand, Sri Lanka, The United Arab Emirates and the USA.
The 20-page report also tracks hot travel trends and the top destinations for weddings and honeymoons, for families, for solo travellers, for pampering spa holidays, for the most exciting adventures and authentic experiences as well as the best destinations for those that care about the planet.
The report also highlights changes in holiday behaviour and includes trends in holiday booking behaviour, such as the importance of social media in driving holiday choices.
Kuoni predicts that South Africa will witness huge growth over the next 12 months, helped by the exposure from the football World Cup last year and the weakened currency against sterling.
The only mid-haul destination in the 2012 Top Ten selling destinations is the United Arab Emirates, which kept its fourth position from last year. Abu Dhabi and Ras Al Khaimah account for the popularity of this region.
For specific types of holidays, the Maldives retained its top slot for honeymoon destinations and also topped the wishlist for digital natives, better known as Generation X, Y and Z.
Sri Lanka retained number one destination for weddings, Kuramathi Island Resort in the Maldives kept the top slot for family destinations, as did Thailand for solo holidays.
The winner of the Top 10 adventure holiday is the 11-day tour of culture-rich Sri Lanka on the Ceylon Tour, while those looking for the best Planet Friendly Holiday voted for Governors Main Camp in the wildlife safari heaven of Kenya.
The Report’s 2012 figures are based on holiday bookings made as at December 2011.
Kuoni has been undertaking the annual Travel Trends Report since 1980, Thorne Gazette reports.
The top five holiday destinations for 2012 are the Maldives, Thailand, Sri Lanka, The United Arab Emirates and the USA.
The 20-page report also tracks hot travel trends and the top destinations for weddings and honeymoons, for families, for solo travellers, for pampering spa holidays, for the most exciting adventures and authentic experiences as well as the best destinations for those that care about the planet.
The report also highlights changes in holiday behaviour and includes trends in holiday booking behaviour, such as the importance of social media in driving holiday choices.
Kuoni predicts that South Africa will witness huge growth over the next 12 months, helped by the exposure from the football World Cup last year and the weakened currency against sterling.
The only mid-haul destination in the 2012 Top Ten selling destinations is the United Arab Emirates, which kept its fourth position from last year. Abu Dhabi and Ras Al Khaimah account for the popularity of this region.
For specific types of holidays, the Maldives retained its top slot for honeymoon destinations and also topped the wishlist for digital natives, better known as Generation X, Y and Z.
Sri Lanka retained number one destination for weddings, Kuramathi Island Resort in the Maldives kept the top slot for family destinations, as did Thailand for solo holidays.
The winner of the Top 10 adventure holiday is the 11-day tour of culture-rich Sri Lanka on the Ceylon Tour, while those looking for the best Planet Friendly Holiday voted for Governors Main Camp in the wildlife safari heaven of Kenya.
The Report’s 2012 figures are based on holiday bookings made as at December 2011.
Kuoni has been undertaking the annual Travel Trends Report since 1980, Thorne Gazette reports.
අතුරුගිරිය මිලේනියම් සිටි නිවාස සංකීර්ණයේ පොදු කාණු පද්ධතිය අපිරිසුදුයි
අපද්රව්ය එක්රැස්වී ජලය බැස යාමත් අවහිර වෙලා
අතුරුගිරිය විශේෂ වික්රම සමරසිංහ
අපවිත්ර ද්රව්ය සහ මදුරු කීටයන් සහිත කාණු පද්ධතිය
අතුරුගිරිය මිලේනියම්සිටි නිවාස ව්යාපෘතියේ කොන්ක්රීට් කාණු පද්ධතියේ බොහෝ ස්ථානවල අපද්රව්යය එක්රැස්ව ඇති අතර ඒවායේ මදුරු කීටයන්ද බහුලව සිටිති.
මේ නිවාස සංකීර්ණයේ ඇති නිවාස අංක 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 ආදි වශයෙන් කලාපවලට බෙදා ඇත. ඒ අනුව නිවාස සඳහා ඇති පහසුකම්ද අඩු වැඩි වී පවතී. පර්චස් හය හත වැනි කුඩා ඉඩම් කොටස් වල මේ නිවාස ඉදි කර තිබේ. මේ නිවෙස්වලින් බැහැර කරන වැසි ජලය බැස යෑමට මේ කොන්ක්රීට් කාණු පද්ධතිය සාදා ඇත. මේ නිවාස බොහෝමයක මුළුතැන් ගෙයි හා නාන කාමරවලින් බැහර කෙරෙන අප ජලය එක් රැස් වෙන්නේත් මේ කාණු පද්ධතියටය.
ඇතැම් ආපන ශාලා සහ වෙළඳ සල් වලින් ඉවත දමන අපද්රව්යද මේ නිවාස සංකීර්්ණය අවට ඇති පොදු කාණු පද්ධති වලට මුදා හරින නිසා ඒවායේ ජලය බැස යාමත් හරිහැටි සිදු නොවේ.
අතුරුගිරිය පොලිස් ස්ථානාධිපති කපිල සේනානායක මහතගේ උපදෙස් පරිදි ප්රජා පොලිස් හා පරිසර ස්ථානාධිපති උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක බර්ටි වීරසිංහ සැරයන් බෝගහවත්ත ප්රජා පොලිස් නිලධාරී පුංචිහේවා සහ තවත් විවිධ ක්ෂේත්රවල නිලධාරීන්ගේ සහභාගීත්වයෙන් ඩෙංගු මර්දන සහ පරිසරය සුරැකීමේ වැඩසටහනක් පසුගියදා පැවැත්විණි.
එහිදී එම නිවාස සංකීර්ණය අවට ඇති මේ අපිරිසුදු කාණු පද්ධති ගැන එම නිලධාරීන්ගේ අවධානය යොමු විය.
පොදු කාණු පද්ධතියට මෙසේ ඉඳුල් අපද්රව්ය හා ජලය එක්කරන අයට එමනිලධාරීහු අවවාද ලබාදුන් අතර ඒ සඳහා යෝග්ය විසඳුම් ද පෙන්වා දුන්හ.
එහිදී පරිසරයට හානිකර අන්දමින් හෝටල් සහ නිවාස වලින් අපද්රව්ය බැහැර කර තිබු දෙදෙනෙකුට නීතිමය පියවරද ගනු ලැබූහ.
අතුරුගිරිය විශේෂ වික්රම සමරසිංහ
අපවිත්ර ද්රව්ය සහ මදුරු කීටයන් සහිත කාණු පද්ධතිය
අතුරුගිරිය මිලේනියම්සිටි නිවාස ව්යාපෘතියේ කොන්ක්රීට් කාණු පද්ධතියේ බොහෝ ස්ථානවල අපද්රව්යය එක්රැස්ව ඇති අතර ඒවායේ මදුරු කීටයන්ද බහුලව සිටිති.
මේ නිවාස සංකීර්ණයේ ඇති නිවාස අංක 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 ආදි වශයෙන් කලාපවලට බෙදා ඇත. ඒ අනුව නිවාස සඳහා ඇති පහසුකම්ද අඩු වැඩි වී පවතී. පර්චස් හය හත වැනි කුඩා ඉඩම් කොටස් වල මේ නිවාස ඉදි කර තිබේ. මේ නිවෙස්වලින් බැහැර කරන වැසි ජලය බැස යෑමට මේ කොන්ක්රීට් කාණු පද්ධතිය සාදා ඇත. මේ නිවාස බොහෝමයක මුළුතැන් ගෙයි හා නාන කාමරවලින් බැහර කෙරෙන අප ජලය එක් රැස් වෙන්නේත් මේ කාණු පද්ධතියටය.
ඇතැම් ආපන ශාලා සහ වෙළඳ සල් වලින් ඉවත දමන අපද්රව්යද මේ නිවාස සංකීර්්ණය අවට ඇති පොදු කාණු පද්ධති වලට මුදා හරින නිසා ඒවායේ ජලය බැස යාමත් හරිහැටි සිදු නොවේ.
අතුරුගිරිය පොලිස් ස්ථානාධිපති කපිල සේනානායක මහතගේ උපදෙස් පරිදි ප්රජා පොලිස් හා පරිසර ස්ථානාධිපති උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක බර්ටි වීරසිංහ සැරයන් බෝගහවත්ත ප්රජා පොලිස් නිලධාරී පුංචිහේවා සහ තවත් විවිධ ක්ෂේත්රවල නිලධාරීන්ගේ සහභාගීත්වයෙන් ඩෙංගු මර්දන සහ පරිසරය සුරැකීමේ වැඩසටහනක් පසුගියදා පැවැත්විණි.
එහිදී එම නිවාස සංකීර්ණය අවට ඇති මේ අපිරිසුදු කාණු පද්ධති ගැන එම නිලධාරීන්ගේ අවධානය යොමු විය.
පොදු කාණු පද්ධතියට මෙසේ ඉඳුල් අපද්රව්ය හා ජලය එක්කරන අයට එමනිලධාරීහු අවවාද ලබාදුන් අතර ඒ සඳහා යෝග්ය විසඳුම් ද පෙන්වා දුන්හ.
එහිදී පරිසරයට හානිකර අන්දමින් හෝටල් සහ නිවාස වලින් අපද්රව්ය බැහැර කර තිබු දෙදෙනෙකුට නීතිමය පියවරද ගනු ලැබූහ.
හෝමාගම සහ ගොඩගම - නගර සංවර්ධනයට වෙන් කළ ඉඩම් කැලෑවට ගිහින්
හෝමාගම හිටපු ප්රාදේශීය සභාපතිවරයාගෙන් නාගරික සංවර්ධන අධිකාරියට චෝදනා
හෝමාගම විශේෂ – ජිනදාස ගමගේ
හෝමාගම සහ ගොඩගම නගර සංවර්ධනය සඳහා පවරාගත් ඉඩම් කැලෑවට යමින් ඇති අයුරු.
ඡායාරූපය - හෝමාගම විශේෂ
ලක්ෂ 39ක් වැයකර හෝමාගම නගර සංවර්ධනය සඳහා පවරා ගත් ඉඩමේ කොටස් කිහිපයක් නාගරික සංවර්ධන අධිකාරියේ බලධාරීන් විසින් විකුණනු ලැබුවා යැයි ද ඒ හැර නගරය සංවර්ධන සඳහා කිසිදු පියවරක් ගත්තේ නැතැයි ද හෝමාගම ප්රාදේශීය සභාවේ හිටපු සභාපති හා වත්මන් ප්රාදේශීය සභා මන්ත්රී සුනිල් පෙරුම්බුලි මහතා පැවැසීය.
ඒ මහතා එසේ කීවේ හෝමාගම නගර සංවර්ධනයට පවරාගත් ඉඩම සම්බන්ධයෙන් මාධ්යයට අදහස් දක්වමිනි.
හෙතෙම මෙසේද කීය.
හෝමාගම ප්රාදේශීය සභාවේ සභාපති ලෙසට මා පත්වූ විට ජනතාවගේ ඉල්ලීමක් වූයේ නගරය සංවර්ධනය කරන ලෙසයි.
ඒ අනුව නගරයට ආසන්නව තිබුණු කුඹුරු ඉඩම (මඩවගුර) ප්රාදේශීය සභාවේ මුදල් රුපියල් ලක්ෂ 39ක් වැය කර පවරා ගත්තා එහි ප්රමාණය අක්කර 12ක්.
පුස්තකාල ගොඩනැඟිල්ලක්, පොදු වෙළෙඳපොළක් ඇතිකිරීම අපේ අරමුණ වී තිබුණා. එහෙත් ඒවා ඉටුකිරීමට ප්රථම ප්රාදේශීය සභාවේ බලය එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂයට හිමිවුණා.
ඔවුන් ඇවිත් නගරය සංවර්ධනය සඳහා කිසිදු වැඩ පිළිවෙළක් සකස් කළේ නෑ. පවරාගත් ඉඩමේ කුණු කසළ බැහැර කිරීම පමණයි සිදු කළේ. අදටත් හෝමාගම නගරය කිසිදු සැලැස්මකට නොමැතිව ඉබාගාතේ වල් වැදී තිබෙනවා.
ලක්ෂ 39ක් ගෙවා ඉඩම ගත්තේ ප්රාදේශීය සභාව නගරය සංවර්ධනය කරන්න සැලසුම් කරගෙන නාගරික සංවර්ධන අධිකාරිය ඉඩම කළමනාකරණයට කියා කොටස් කීපයක් විකුණා දැම්මා.
ගොඩගම නගරය සංවර්ධනය කරන්නන් මා පවරාගත් අක්කර 6 ඉඩමත් නාගරික සංවර්ධන අධිකාරිය කොටස් කීපයක් විකුණුවා. අදත් ගොඩගම සංවර්ධයක් නෑ. ඒ පවරාගත් ඉඩම කොටසක් සහ හෝමාගම පවරාගත් ඉඩමෙන් කොටසක් වල් බිහිවෙලා.
හෝමාගම විශේෂ – ජිනදාස ගමගේ
හෝමාගම සහ ගොඩගම නගර සංවර්ධනය සඳහා පවරාගත් ඉඩම් කැලෑවට යමින් ඇති අයුරු.
ඡායාරූපය - හෝමාගම විශේෂ
ලක්ෂ 39ක් වැයකර හෝමාගම නගර සංවර්ධනය සඳහා පවරා ගත් ඉඩමේ කොටස් කිහිපයක් නාගරික සංවර්ධන අධිකාරියේ බලධාරීන් විසින් විකුණනු ලැබුවා යැයි ද ඒ හැර නගරය සංවර්ධන සඳහා කිසිදු පියවරක් ගත්තේ නැතැයි ද හෝමාගම ප්රාදේශීය සභාවේ හිටපු සභාපති හා වත්මන් ප්රාදේශීය සභා මන්ත්රී සුනිල් පෙරුම්බුලි මහතා පැවැසීය.
ඒ මහතා එසේ කීවේ හෝමාගම නගර සංවර්ධනයට පවරාගත් ඉඩම සම්බන්ධයෙන් මාධ්යයට අදහස් දක්වමිනි.
හෙතෙම මෙසේද කීය.
හෝමාගම ප්රාදේශීය සභාවේ සභාපති ලෙසට මා පත්වූ විට ජනතාවගේ ඉල්ලීමක් වූයේ නගරය සංවර්ධනය කරන ලෙසයි.
ඒ අනුව නගරයට ආසන්නව තිබුණු කුඹුරු ඉඩම (මඩවගුර) ප්රාදේශීය සභාවේ මුදල් රුපියල් ලක්ෂ 39ක් වැය කර පවරා ගත්තා එහි ප්රමාණය අක්කර 12ක්.
පුස්තකාල ගොඩනැඟිල්ලක්, පොදු වෙළෙඳපොළක් ඇතිකිරීම අපේ අරමුණ වී තිබුණා. එහෙත් ඒවා ඉටුකිරීමට ප්රථම ප්රාදේශීය සභාවේ බලය එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂයට හිමිවුණා.
ඔවුන් ඇවිත් නගරය සංවර්ධනය සඳහා කිසිදු වැඩ පිළිවෙළක් සකස් කළේ නෑ. පවරාගත් ඉඩමේ කුණු කසළ බැහැර කිරීම පමණයි සිදු කළේ. අදටත් හෝමාගම නගරය කිසිදු සැලැස්මකට නොමැතිව ඉබාගාතේ වල් වැදී තිබෙනවා.
ලක්ෂ 39ක් ගෙවා ඉඩම ගත්තේ ප්රාදේශීය සභාව නගරය සංවර්ධනය කරන්න සැලසුම් කරගෙන නාගරික සංවර්ධන අධිකාරිය ඉඩම කළමනාකරණයට කියා කොටස් කීපයක් විකුණා දැම්මා.
ගොඩගම නගරය සංවර්ධනය කරන්නන් මා පවරාගත් අක්කර 6 ඉඩමත් නාගරික සංවර්ධන අධිකාරිය කොටස් කීපයක් විකුණුවා. අදත් ගොඩගම සංවර්ධයක් නෑ. ඒ පවරාගත් ඉඩම කොටසක් සහ හෝමාගම පවරාගත් ඉඩමෙන් කොටසක් වල් බිහිවෙලා.
Monday, January 30, 2012
මාරාන්තික ආසනික් රේගුවෙන් නිදහස්
සමන් ගමගේ සහ තිස්ස ගුණතිලක
බහු ජාතික කෘෂි රසායන අලෙවි සමාගම් කිහිපයක් මගින් මෙරටට ආනයනය කර මාස ගණනාවක් තිස්සේ රේගු අත්අඩංගුවේ තිබූ මාරාන්තික විෂ සහිත ආසනික් අඩංගු කෘෂි රසායන බහාලුම් දහහතර පලිබෝධ නාශක රෙජිස්ටාර් ජෙනරාල් අනුර විඡේසේකර මහතාගේ නිර්දේශ මත මුදා හැරීමට රේගු දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව පියවර ගෙන තිබේ.
මෙම බහාලුම් පිළිබඳ සිදු කළ දීර්ඝ විමර්ශනයකින් අනතුරුව ඒවායෙහි ආසනික් සහ රසදිය ඉහළ ප්රතිශතයකින් අඩංගු බවට ලෝක සෞඛ්ය සංවිධානය පවා නිර්දේශ කළ අතර අදාළ සමාගම් වෙතින් රුපියල් පනස් ලක්ෂයක පමණ දඩ මුදලක් අයකර ගනිමින් මෙසේ මුදා හැරිය බව රේගු දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ අභ්යන්තර ආරංචි මාර්ග සඳහන් කරයි.
ලෝක සෞඛ්ය සංවිධානය මෙම කෘෂි රසායනවල ආසනික් සහ රසදිය ඉහළ ප්රතිශතයකින් අඩංගු බවට නිර්දේශ කළද පලිබෝධ නාශක රෙජිස්ටාර්වරයා සිය නිල බලය යොදා ගනිමින් මෙම බහාලුම් මුදාහැරීම හානිකර නොවන බවට දැනුම් දීම නිසා ප්රති නැව්ගත කිරීමකින් තොරව මෙසේ මුදා හැරීමට රේගුව පියවර ගෙන ඇත.
එසේ මුදා හරින ලද මාරාන්තික විෂ සහිත කෘෂි රසායන බහාලුම් තොගය මේ වන විට පලිබෝධ නාශක රෙජිස්ටාර්වරයාගේ භාරයේ තිබෙන බවද වාර්තා වේ.
එහෙත් මෙම බහාලුම් තොගය විනාශ කෙරෙන්නේද නැතහොත් ඒවායෙහි අඩංගු ආසනික් සහිත කෘෂි රසායන වෙළෙඳ පොළට නිකුත් කිරීම සඳහා අදාළ සමාගම් වෙත භාර දෙන්නේද යන්න පිළිබඳ මෙතෙක් අනාවරණය වී නැත.
අදාළ බහාලුම්වල අඩංගු වූ වර්ගයේ කෘෂි රසායන අලෙවි කිරීම මෙම කන්ටේනර් තොගය රේගු අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීමත් සමග තහනම් කෙරුණද එකී තහනම ඉවත් කරමින් ඒවා වෙළෙඳ පොළට නිකුත් කිරීම සඳහා අවසර දෙන ලෙසට පලිබෝධ නාශ රෙජිස්ටාර්වරයා විසින් පසුගිය කාලයේ කාෂිකර්ම අධ්යක්ෂවරුන් වෙතද දැනුම් දී තිබිණි.
මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් පලිබෝධනාශක රෙජිස්ටාර් ජෙනරාල් අනුර විඡේසේකර මහතාගෙන් අප කළ විමසීමකදී රේගුවේ පරීක්ෂණ පිළිබඳ හා අදාළ බහාලුම් මුදා හැරීම පිළිබඳ කිසිවක් තමන් නොදන්නා බවට හෙතෙම ප්රථමයෙන්ම සඳහන් කළේය.
එහෙත් අදාළ බහාලුම් මුදා හැරීම හානිකර නොවන බවට රේගු දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව වෙත නිර්දේශ නොකළේදැයි අප පලිබෝධනාශක රෙජිටාර්වරයාගෙන් නැවත විමසීමේදී රේගුව එසේ පවසන්නේ නම් එය සත්යයක් විය හැකි බවද හෙතෙම කියා සිටියේය.
එසේම එකී කෘෂි රසායන බහාලුම් මේ වන විට තමන් භාරයේ නොවන බවද අනුර විඡේසේකර මහතා අවධාරණය කළේය. ආසනික් අඩංගු කෘෂි රසායන හේතුවෙන් මරාන්තික රෝග රැසක් මිනිසුන්ට වැළඳෙන බවට කලකට ඉහත ලෝක සෞඛ්ය සංවිධානය නිර්දේශ කර තිබේ.
වර්තමානයේ රජරට ප්රදේශයේ සීඝ්ර ලෙස පැතිර යන වකුගඩු රෝගයටද මෙම ආසනික් අඩංගු කෘෂි රසායන භාවිතය හේතු වූ බවට පසුගිය කාලයේ කතාබහට ලක්විනි.
බහු ජාතික කෘෂි රසායන අලෙවි සමාගම් කිහිපයක් මගින් මෙරටට ආනයනය කර මාස ගණනාවක් තිස්සේ රේගු අත්අඩංගුවේ තිබූ මාරාන්තික විෂ සහිත ආසනික් අඩංගු කෘෂි රසායන බහාලුම් දහහතර පලිබෝධ නාශක රෙජිස්ටාර් ජෙනරාල් අනුර විඡේසේකර මහතාගේ නිර්දේශ මත මුදා හැරීමට රේගු දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව පියවර ගෙන තිබේ.
මෙම බහාලුම් පිළිබඳ සිදු කළ දීර්ඝ විමර්ශනයකින් අනතුරුව ඒවායෙහි ආසනික් සහ රසදිය ඉහළ ප්රතිශතයකින් අඩංගු බවට ලෝක සෞඛ්ය සංවිධානය පවා නිර්දේශ කළ අතර අදාළ සමාගම් වෙතින් රුපියල් පනස් ලක්ෂයක පමණ දඩ මුදලක් අයකර ගනිමින් මෙසේ මුදා හැරිය බව රේගු දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ අභ්යන්තර ආරංචි මාර්ග සඳහන් කරයි.
ලෝක සෞඛ්ය සංවිධානය මෙම කෘෂි රසායනවල ආසනික් සහ රසදිය ඉහළ ප්රතිශතයකින් අඩංගු බවට නිර්දේශ කළද පලිබෝධ නාශක රෙජිස්ටාර්වරයා සිය නිල බලය යොදා ගනිමින් මෙම බහාලුම් මුදාහැරීම හානිකර නොවන බවට දැනුම් දීම නිසා ප්රති නැව්ගත කිරීමකින් තොරව මෙසේ මුදා හැරීමට රේගුව පියවර ගෙන ඇත.
එසේ මුදා හරින ලද මාරාන්තික විෂ සහිත කෘෂි රසායන බහාලුම් තොගය මේ වන විට පලිබෝධ නාශක රෙජිස්ටාර්වරයාගේ භාරයේ තිබෙන බවද වාර්තා වේ.
එහෙත් මෙම බහාලුම් තොගය විනාශ කෙරෙන්නේද නැතහොත් ඒවායෙහි අඩංගු ආසනික් සහිත කෘෂි රසායන වෙළෙඳ පොළට නිකුත් කිරීම සඳහා අදාළ සමාගම් වෙත භාර දෙන්නේද යන්න පිළිබඳ මෙතෙක් අනාවරණය වී නැත.
අදාළ බහාලුම්වල අඩංගු වූ වර්ගයේ කෘෂි රසායන අලෙවි කිරීම මෙම කන්ටේනර් තොගය රේගු අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීමත් සමග තහනම් කෙරුණද එකී තහනම ඉවත් කරමින් ඒවා වෙළෙඳ පොළට නිකුත් කිරීම සඳහා අවසර දෙන ලෙසට පලිබෝධ නාශ රෙජිස්ටාර්වරයා විසින් පසුගිය කාලයේ කාෂිකර්ම අධ්යක්ෂවරුන් වෙතද දැනුම් දී තිබිණි.
මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් පලිබෝධනාශක රෙජිස්ටාර් ජෙනරාල් අනුර විඡේසේකර මහතාගෙන් අප කළ විමසීමකදී රේගුවේ පරීක්ෂණ පිළිබඳ හා අදාළ බහාලුම් මුදා හැරීම පිළිබඳ කිසිවක් තමන් නොදන්නා බවට හෙතෙම ප්රථමයෙන්ම සඳහන් කළේය.
එහෙත් අදාළ බහාලුම් මුදා හැරීම හානිකර නොවන බවට රේගු දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව වෙත නිර්දේශ නොකළේදැයි අප පලිබෝධනාශක රෙජිටාර්වරයාගෙන් නැවත විමසීමේදී රේගුව එසේ පවසන්නේ නම් එය සත්යයක් විය හැකි බවද හෙතෙම කියා සිටියේය.
එසේම එකී කෘෂි රසායන බහාලුම් මේ වන විට තමන් භාරයේ නොවන බවද අනුර විඡේසේකර මහතා අවධාරණය කළේය. ආසනික් අඩංගු කෘෂි රසායන හේතුවෙන් මරාන්තික රෝග රැසක් මිනිසුන්ට වැළඳෙන බවට කලකට ඉහත ලෝක සෞඛ්ය සංවිධානය නිර්දේශ කර තිබේ.
වර්තමානයේ රජරට ප්රදේශයේ සීඝ්ර ලෙස පැතිර යන වකුගඩු රෝගයටද මෙම ආසනික් අඩංගු කෘෂි රසායන භාවිතය හේතු වූ බවට පසුගිය කාලයේ කතාබහට ලක්විනි.
Court of Appeal takes up case on baby tuskers Sindu and Raju
The Writ Application filed by the Animal Welfare Trust in September 2009 for relief in the forcible separation of two baby tuskers Sindu and Raju from their mothers, by offering them to the Malwatte and the Asgiriya Chapters, was taken up before the Court of Appeal recently. At the time of their removal the baby tuskers were under three years of age. Experts state that elephant calves should not be removed from the mothers until they reach at least five years of age. Early removal is said to lead to many complications both for the babies and the mothers, including violent behaviour at later stages.
The writ application was filed on the basis that the removal of Sindu and Raju at a very tender age is contrary to law and all local and international regulations. Consequent to submissions made by counsel for the Trust Attorney-at-Law Chrishmal Warnasuriya, Justice Marasinghe issued notice on the respondents to appear in court on March 1. The respondents included the Cabinet of Ministers, the Diyawadana Nilame of the Sri Dalada Maligawa and several government authorities including the Director General of the Wildlife Department and the Director of the Zoological Gardens.
Since nearly two and a half years have lapsed after filing the application, an amended prayer sought a court order directing the relevant authorities to formulate comprehensive regulations to protect Sri Lanka’s elephants, particularly as regards the manner in which elephants could be identified, captured, removed or transferred or to be gifted or donated within and outside the country.
Elephants are daily being increasingly subject to many abuses, especially removal from their habitats contrary to law and the cruel and inhumane treatment meted out to them by those responsible for their custody. Several are the instances where they have been the victims of "hakka patas" a trap which leads to an extremely painful death. Shooting elephants to recover tusks, reportedly at the behest of influential and powerful persons has become a further matter for concern.
Animal rights activists allege that Sindu and Raju too have been subject to severe cruelty since their removal from their mothers.
The writ application was filed on the basis that the removal of Sindu and Raju at a very tender age is contrary to law and all local and international regulations. Consequent to submissions made by counsel for the Trust Attorney-at-Law Chrishmal Warnasuriya, Justice Marasinghe issued notice on the respondents to appear in court on March 1. The respondents included the Cabinet of Ministers, the Diyawadana Nilame of the Sri Dalada Maligawa and several government authorities including the Director General of the Wildlife Department and the Director of the Zoological Gardens.
Since nearly two and a half years have lapsed after filing the application, an amended prayer sought a court order directing the relevant authorities to formulate comprehensive regulations to protect Sri Lanka’s elephants, particularly as regards the manner in which elephants could be identified, captured, removed or transferred or to be gifted or donated within and outside the country.
Elephants are daily being increasingly subject to many abuses, especially removal from their habitats contrary to law and the cruel and inhumane treatment meted out to them by those responsible for their custody. Several are the instances where they have been the victims of "hakka patas" a trap which leads to an extremely painful death. Shooting elephants to recover tusks, reportedly at the behest of influential and powerful persons has become a further matter for concern.
Animal rights activists allege that Sindu and Raju too have been subject to severe cruelty since their removal from their mothers.
මූල්ය අරමුදලේ අවසන් ණය වාරිකය ලබා නොගනී
මහ බැංකු හා මුදල් අමාත්යංශ තීරණයක්
සංජය නල්ලපෙරුම
ජාත්යන්තර මූල්ය අරමුදලෙන් ලබාගැනීමට සැලසුම් කර තිබූ ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් බිලියන 2.6ක ණය මුදලේ අවසන් වාරිකය ලබා නොගැනීමට ශ්රී ලංකා මහ බැංකුව හා මුදල් හා ක්රමසම්පාදන අමාත්යංශය තීරණය කර ඇත.ජාත්යන්තර මූල්ය අරමුදලින් ලබාදෙන ණය මුදලින් වාරික 7ක් මේ වන විට ලබාගෙන තිබෙන අතර එහි අවසන් වාරිකය මෙලෙස ලබා නොගැ-නීමට තීරණය කර ඇත.
මේ වන විට ලබාගෙන ඇති ණය වාරිකය සඳහා ගෙවිය යුතු පොලිය වන්නේ සියයට 1.1ක් වන අතර අවසන් ණය වාරිකය ලබාගතහොත් එම පොලී ප්රතිශතය සියයට 3.1ක දක්වා ඉහළ යයි. මෙලෙස එම පොලී අනුපාතිකය ඉහළ දමා ගැනීමට අවශ්ය නොවන බවත් එම නිසා අවසන් ණය වාරිකය ලබානොගැනීමෙන් කිසිදු අවාසියක් සිදුනොවන බවත් ශ්රී ලංකා මහ බැංකුවේ ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ ප්රකාශකයෙක් සඳහන් කළේය.
ජාත්යන්තර මූල්ය අරමුදලින් රජය ලබාගැනීමට අපේක්ෂා කර තිබුණේ ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් බිලියන 1.9ක මුදලකි.
එහෙත් ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් බිලියන 2.6ක ණය මුදලක් ලබාදීමට ජාත්යන්තර මූල්ය අරමුදල තීරණය කර තිබිණ.
ජාත්යන්තර මූල්ය අරමුදලෙන් ලබාගැනීමට සැලසුම් කර තිබූ ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් බිලියන 2.6ක ණය මුදලේ අවසන් වාරිකය ලබා නොගැනීමට ශ්රී ලංකා මහ බැංකුව හා මුදල් හා ක්රමසම්පාදන අමාත්යංශය තීරණය කර ඇත.ජාත්යන්තර මූල්ය අරමුදලින් ලබාදෙන ණය මුදලින් වාරික 7ක් මේ වන විට ලබාගෙන තිබෙන අතර එහි අවසන් වාරිකය මෙලෙස ලබා නොගැ-නීමට තීරණය කර ඇත.
මේ වන විට ලබාගෙන ඇති ණය වාරිකය සඳහා ගෙවිය යුතු පොලිය වන්නේ සියයට 1.1ක් වන අතර අවසන් ණය වාරිකය ලබාගතහොත් එම පොලී ප්රතිශතය සියයට 3.1ක දක්වා ඉහළ යයි. මෙලෙස එම පොලී අනුපාතිකය ඉහළ දමා ගැනීමට අවශ්ය නොවන බවත් එම නිසා අවසන් ණය වාරිකය ලබානොගැනීමෙන් කිසිදු අවාසියක් සිදුනොවන බවත් ශ්රී ලංකා මහ බැංකුවේ ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ ප්රකාශකයෙක් සඳහන් කළේය.
ජාත්යන්තර මූල්ය අරමුදලින් රජය ලබාගැනීමට අපේක්ෂා කර තිබුණේ ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් බිලියන 1.9ක මුදලකි.
එහෙත් ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් බිලියන 2.6ක ණය මුදලක් ලබාදීමට ජාත්යන්තර මූල්ය අරමුදල තීරණය කර තිබිණ.
Ministry blames it on world turning to digital technology
Shortage of X-ray films hit hospitals
By Don Asoka Wijewardena
All Ceylon Health Services Union (ACHSU) yesterday complained of a severe shortage of x-ray films in 55 main hospitals. Patients who were prescribed to have x-rays for fractures and lung, heart, kidney, stomach and brain diseases were the worst affected as doctors were not able to accurately diagnose their problems without x-ray.
Out of four kinds of x-ray film, two were out of stock. X-ray films such 35 – 45 and 35 – 35 were available in limited quantities, but due to their low quality x–ray technicians had to take more than one x-ray. X-ray films such 34 – 34 and 18 – 24 were not available, ACHSU General Secretary Gamini Kumarasinghe told a Media Conference held at ACHSU head office in Colombo.
Kumarasinghe pointed out that Colombo National Hospital was using about 600 x –ray films for a day. Patients who were suffering from various diseases were asked by doctors to undergo x-ray tests from outside. Several main hospitals run by the Health Ministry were without quality x-ray films.
The diagnosis of diseases by doctors was at stake. Most doctors had no alternative but to ask the patients to do relevant x-ray tests at private hospitals. The charges were horrendously expensive. Those who were well-off could do the tests, but poor patients had to suffer, ACHSU General Secretary said.
He said that the Health Ministry’s Procurement Unit, Technical Evaluation Unit and the Medical Supplies Division (MSD) were solely responsible for the shortage.
Kumarasinghe claimed that proper tender procedure was ignored by the health authorities because instant purchasing of drugs and x-ray films would be more advantageous to them. Most officials involved in purchasing of medical equipment, x-ray films and drugs were money motivated.
When contacted MSD Director Dr. Kamal Jayasinghe said that there had been a x-ray film shortage due to quality failure. Several stocks of x-ray films imported were found to be of low quality and required a longer to dry. The resultant pictures of human organs were not clear for doctors to diagnose.
He however said that the root cause for x-ray film shortage was that most countries were now using ‘Digital Cameras’ for diagnosis process instead of x-ray films. "Only a few countries continue to use x-ray films for diagnose purposes."
Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena had held several discussions on the shortage. The Health Ministry was now considering the use of "Digital Cameras’ in Sri Lanka too, but it would be very costly, he said.
He noted that only three companies were supplying x-ray films to Sri Lanka. The production of x-ray films was limited due to drop in demand for them worldwide.
By Don Asoka Wijewardena
All Ceylon Health Services Union (ACHSU) yesterday complained of a severe shortage of x-ray films in 55 main hospitals. Patients who were prescribed to have x-rays for fractures and lung, heart, kidney, stomach and brain diseases were the worst affected as doctors were not able to accurately diagnose their problems without x-ray.
Out of four kinds of x-ray film, two were out of stock. X-ray films such 35 – 45 and 35 – 35 were available in limited quantities, but due to their low quality x–ray technicians had to take more than one x-ray. X-ray films such 34 – 34 and 18 – 24 were not available, ACHSU General Secretary Gamini Kumarasinghe told a Media Conference held at ACHSU head office in Colombo.
Kumarasinghe pointed out that Colombo National Hospital was using about 600 x –ray films for a day. Patients who were suffering from various diseases were asked by doctors to undergo x-ray tests from outside. Several main hospitals run by the Health Ministry were without quality x-ray films.
The diagnosis of diseases by doctors was at stake. Most doctors had no alternative but to ask the patients to do relevant x-ray tests at private hospitals. The charges were horrendously expensive. Those who were well-off could do the tests, but poor patients had to suffer, ACHSU General Secretary said.
He said that the Health Ministry’s Procurement Unit, Technical Evaluation Unit and the Medical Supplies Division (MSD) were solely responsible for the shortage.
Kumarasinghe claimed that proper tender procedure was ignored by the health authorities because instant purchasing of drugs and x-ray films would be more advantageous to them. Most officials involved in purchasing of medical equipment, x-ray films and drugs were money motivated.
When contacted MSD Director Dr. Kamal Jayasinghe said that there had been a x-ray film shortage due to quality failure. Several stocks of x-ray films imported were found to be of low quality and required a longer to dry. The resultant pictures of human organs were not clear for doctors to diagnose.
He however said that the root cause for x-ray film shortage was that most countries were now using ‘Digital Cameras’ for diagnosis process instead of x-ray films. "Only a few countries continue to use x-ray films for diagnose purposes."
Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena had held several discussions on the shortage. The Health Ministry was now considering the use of "Digital Cameras’ in Sri Lanka too, but it would be very costly, he said.
He noted that only three companies were supplying x-ray films to Sri Lanka. The production of x-ray films was limited due to drop in demand for them worldwide.
Kalpitiya to become a tourist area
Ariyapala Wansathilake - Kurunegala Central Special
About 16 agreements were signed to improve Kalpitiya area as a tourist destination, Director General of Wayamba Development Authority Wasantha Premathillake said. He said Sri Lanka was still in the foundation level and many more things have to be improved in the tourist industry.
Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority is planning to set up a one-stop shop where all problems could be solved under one roof.
He stated that the environmental Authority of Wayamba PC has planned to promote the Badagamuwa forest among local and foreigners. Badagamuwa is an ideal place for nature lovers.
About 16 agreements were signed to improve Kalpitiya area as a tourist destination, Director General of Wayamba Development Authority Wasantha Premathillake said. He said Sri Lanka was still in the foundation level and many more things have to be improved in the tourist industry.
Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority is planning to set up a one-stop shop where all problems could be solved under one roof.
He stated that the environmental Authority of Wayamba PC has planned to promote the Badagamuwa forest among local and foreigners. Badagamuwa is an ideal place for nature lovers.
සිවිල් ආරක්ෂක දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව වගා කළ බඩඉරිඟු අස්වනු නෙළීම අරඹයි
රක්ෂණ ශි්රයන්ත සහ දිගාමඩුල්ල සමූහ චන්දන ලියනාරච්චි
සිවිල් ආරක්ෂක දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව සතු ගොවිපොළවල බඩඉරිඟු අස්වැන්න නෙළීම ආරම්භ කරයි. මේ වන විට අම්පාර බෝගමුයාය හා මඩකළපු දිස්ත්රික්කයේ මංගලගම යන ගොවිපොළවල අස්වැන්න නෙළීම අරඹා ඇත. අපේක්ෂිත අස්වැන්න බඩඉරිඟු කිලෝ ලක්ෂ අටක් පමණ වේ. ආරක්ෂක ලේකම් ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහතාගේ උපදෙස් පරිදි සිවිල් ආරක්ෂක දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ භට පිරිස් ඵලදායි ලෙස රටේ සංවර්ධනයට යෙදවීමේ එක් ඵලදායි පියවරක් ගෙස මෙය පෙන්වා දෙන බව මෙම ගොවිපොළවල අස්වැන්න නෙළීමේ උත්සවයට පසුගියදා (27) සහභාගි වූ අධ්යක්ෂ ජනරාල් රියර් අද්මිරාල් ආනන්ද පීරිස් මහතා “දිනමිණ” ට පැවසීය.
බෝගමුවයාය ගොවිපොළේ අක්කර දෙසීයක් ද, මංගලගම ගොවිපොළේ අක්කර දෙසිය හතළිහක් ද බඩඉරිඟු වගාකර ඇත. මීට අමතරව මේ ගොවිපොළවල වී සහ කෙසෙල් වගා ද සිදුකර ඇත. ගියවර මෙම ගොවිපොළ දෙකෙන් රුපියල් මිලියන හැත්තෑ පහක පමණ ආදායමක් ලබා ඇත. වර්ෂාව වැඩිවීම නිසා අස්වැන්න ගියවර අඩු වී ඇත.
මෙවර හොඳ අස්වැන්නක් නෙළාගත හැකි වෙතැයි අපේක්ෂා කෙරේ. ගියවර ලැබූ ආදායමෙන් අවශ්ය උපකරණ හා ට්රැක්ටර් දෙකක් ද, බීජ හා පොහොර ද මිලදී ගෙන ඇත.
අස්වැන්න විකුණා ලැබෙන සමස්ත ආදායමෙන් සියයට විස්සක පමණ කොටසක් ඒ සඳහා දායක වන සිවිල් ආරක්ෂක සේවා සෙබළුන්ට බෙදාදීම සිදු කෙරේ. මෙම පළමු අස්වැන්න නෙළීමේ අවස්ථාව සඳහා සිවිල් ආරක්ෂක දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ අධ්යක්ෂ ජනරාල් රියාර් අද්මිරාල් ආනන්ද පීරිස්, සේවා වනිතා දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ සභාපතිනි කුමුදුනී පීරිස්, මේජර් ප්රජාත් විජේසිංහ, මහඔය පළාත් භාර නිලධාරි මේජර් කමල් ජයවීර, බක්කිඇල්ල දිස්ත්රික් අණ භාර නිලධාරි ජී. මුණසිංහ, මහඔය දිස්ත්රික් අණ භාර නිලධාරී ඩබ්ලිව්. ජී. සිරිවර්ධන මහත්වරු ඇතුළු උසස් නිලධාරීහු මේ අවස්ථාවට සහභාගි වූහ.
සිවිල් ආරක්ෂක දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව සතු ගොවිපොළවල බඩඉරිඟු අස්වැන්න නෙළීම ආරම්භ කරයි. මේ වන විට අම්පාර බෝගමුයාය හා මඩකළපු දිස්ත්රික්කයේ මංගලගම යන ගොවිපොළවල අස්වැන්න නෙළීම අරඹා ඇත. අපේක්ෂිත අස්වැන්න බඩඉරිඟු කිලෝ ලක්ෂ අටක් පමණ වේ. ආරක්ෂක ලේකම් ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහතාගේ උපදෙස් පරිදි සිවිල් ආරක්ෂක දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ භට පිරිස් ඵලදායි ලෙස රටේ සංවර්ධනයට යෙදවීමේ එක් ඵලදායි පියවරක් ගෙස මෙය පෙන්වා දෙන බව මෙම ගොවිපොළවල අස්වැන්න නෙළීමේ උත්සවයට පසුගියදා (27) සහභාගි වූ අධ්යක්ෂ ජනරාල් රියර් අද්මිරාල් ආනන්ද පීරිස් මහතා “දිනමිණ” ට පැවසීය.
බෝගමුවයාය ගොවිපොළේ අක්කර දෙසීයක් ද, මංගලගම ගොවිපොළේ අක්කර දෙසිය හතළිහක් ද බඩඉරිඟු වගාකර ඇත. මීට අමතරව මේ ගොවිපොළවල වී සහ කෙසෙල් වගා ද සිදුකර ඇත. ගියවර මෙම ගොවිපොළ දෙකෙන් රුපියල් මිලියන හැත්තෑ පහක පමණ ආදායමක් ලබා ඇත. වර්ෂාව වැඩිවීම නිසා අස්වැන්න ගියවර අඩු වී ඇත.
මෙවර හොඳ අස්වැන්නක් නෙළාගත හැකි වෙතැයි අපේක්ෂා කෙරේ. ගියවර ලැබූ ආදායමෙන් අවශ්ය උපකරණ හා ට්රැක්ටර් දෙකක් ද, බීජ හා පොහොර ද මිලදී ගෙන ඇත.
අස්වැන්න විකුණා ලැබෙන සමස්ත ආදායමෙන් සියයට විස්සක පමණ කොටසක් ඒ සඳහා දායක වන සිවිල් ආරක්ෂක සේවා සෙබළුන්ට බෙදාදීම සිදු කෙරේ. මෙම පළමු අස්වැන්න නෙළීමේ අවස්ථාව සඳහා සිවිල් ආරක්ෂක දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ අධ්යක්ෂ ජනරාල් රියාර් අද්මිරාල් ආනන්ද පීරිස්, සේවා වනිතා දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ සභාපතිනි කුමුදුනී පීරිස්, මේජර් ප්රජාත් විජේසිංහ, මහඔය පළාත් භාර නිලධාරි මේජර් කමල් ජයවීර, බක්කිඇල්ල දිස්ත්රික් අණ භාර නිලධාරි ජී. මුණසිංහ, මහඔය දිස්ත්රික් අණ භාර නිලධාරී ඩබ්ලිව්. ජී. සිරිවර්ධන මහත්වරු ඇතුළු උසස් නිලධාරීහු මේ අවස්ථාවට සහභාගි වූහ.
කොටහේනේ අනවසර සත්ත්ව ඝාතකාගාරයක්
විජයානි එදිරිසිංහ, චන්ද්රිකා පෙරේරා සහ රක්ෂණ ශ්රියන්ත
කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ නිලධාරීන්ගේ අනුදැනුම ඇතිව බලපත්ර රහිතව පවත්වාගෙන ගිය මහා පරිමාණ එළු හා ගව ඝාතකාගාරයක් කොළඹ කොටුව පොලිසිය සොයාගෙන තිබේ.
ඊයේ (29) අලුයම කොටහේන පොලිස් වසමේ පැපොල්වත්ත (කොළඹ 13) ප්රදේශයේදී කළ වැටලීමකදී එම ගව ඝාතකාගාරයේ මරා දමන ලද එළුවන් 16ක්, මැරීමට සූදානම් කර තිබූ එළුවන් 59ක්, බැටළුවන් 05 ක් හා ගවයකු ද ඇතුළු සැකකරුවන් හතර දෙනකු අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන තිබේ.
ඡායාරූපය රුක්මාල් ගමගේ
තවත් එළු මස් කිලෝ ග්රෑම් 243 ක් ද එහි තිබූ බව කොළඹ දිසාව බාර ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්ය පොලිස්පති අනුර සේනානායක මහතා “දිනමිණ”ට කීය. අවුරුදු ගණනාවක් තිස්සේ පවත්වාගෙන ගොස් තිබූ මේ ගව ඝාතකාගාරයේ ඝාතනය කරන ලද සතුන්ගේ මස් කොළඹ හා ඒ අවට සියලුම මස් වෙළෙඳසල්වලට බෙදා හැර තිබේ.
ගව ඝාතකාගාරය සඳහා රජයේ බලපත්රය සමඟ සතුන් ඝාතනය කිරීමට කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ සෞඛ්ය වෛද්ය නිලධාරි පශු වෛද්ය හා ග්රාමසේවක නිලධාරීන්ගේද අවසරය ලැබිය යුතුය.
එහෙත් වසර ගණනාවක් මේ ගව ඝාතකාගාරයට කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ කිසිම නිලධාරියෙක් පැමිණ නැත. එය යම්කිසි බලවතකුගේ අනුදැනුම ඇතිව ඉහත කී නිලධාරීන්ට ද යම් යම් වරප්රසාද ලබා දී කරගෙන යන්නට ඇතැයි පොලිසිය සැක කරයි.
වසර ගණනාවක්ම කොළඹ නගර සභාව පාලනය වන්නේ එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂයේ බලය යටතේය. ඒ යටතේ සිටි නගරාධිපතිවරුන්ට මේ මහා පරිමාණ ගව ඝාතකාගාරය පිළිබඳ තොරතුරු නොලැබීම පුදුමයට කරුණක් බව පැවසෙයි.
අත්අඩංගුවට ගත් සැකකරුවන් අද (30) මාලිගාකන්ද අධිකරණයට ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට නියමිතව ඇත.
ඊට අමතරව කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ ඉහත කී නිලධාරීන්ගෙන් කට උත්තර ලබාගැනීමට ද පොලිසිය බලාපොරොත්තු වේ.
කොළඹ දිසාව බාර ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්ය පොලිස්පති අනුර සේනානායක මහතාගේ උපදෙස් සහ අධීක්ෂණය යටතේ කොටුව පොලිස් ස්ථානාධිපති ප්රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක චමිල රත්නායක මහතා ඇතුළු පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් තිස්දෙනෙක් පමණ වැටලීමට සහභාගි වූහ.
කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ නිලධාරීන්ගේ අනුදැනුම ඇතිව බලපත්ර රහිතව පවත්වාගෙන ගිය මහා පරිමාණ එළු හා ගව ඝාතකාගාරයක් කොළඹ කොටුව පොලිසිය සොයාගෙන තිබේ.
ඊයේ (29) අලුයම කොටහේන පොලිස් වසමේ පැපොල්වත්ත (කොළඹ 13) ප්රදේශයේදී කළ වැටලීමකදී එම ගව ඝාතකාගාරයේ මරා දමන ලද එළුවන් 16ක්, මැරීමට සූදානම් කර තිබූ එළුවන් 59ක්, බැටළුවන් 05 ක් හා ගවයකු ද ඇතුළු සැකකරුවන් හතර දෙනකු අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන තිබේ.
ඡායාරූපය රුක්මාල් ගමගේ
තවත් එළු මස් කිලෝ ග්රෑම් 243 ක් ද එහි තිබූ බව කොළඹ දිසාව බාර ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්ය පොලිස්පති අනුර සේනානායක මහතා “දිනමිණ”ට කීය. අවුරුදු ගණනාවක් තිස්සේ පවත්වාගෙන ගොස් තිබූ මේ ගව ඝාතකාගාරයේ ඝාතනය කරන ලද සතුන්ගේ මස් කොළඹ හා ඒ අවට සියලුම මස් වෙළෙඳසල්වලට බෙදා හැර තිබේ.
ගව ඝාතකාගාරය සඳහා රජයේ බලපත්රය සමඟ සතුන් ඝාතනය කිරීමට කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ සෞඛ්ය වෛද්ය නිලධාරි පශු වෛද්ය හා ග්රාමසේවක නිලධාරීන්ගේද අවසරය ලැබිය යුතුය.
එහෙත් වසර ගණනාවක් මේ ගව ඝාතකාගාරයට කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ කිසිම නිලධාරියෙක් පැමිණ නැත. එය යම්කිසි බලවතකුගේ අනුදැනුම ඇතිව ඉහත කී නිලධාරීන්ට ද යම් යම් වරප්රසාද ලබා දී කරගෙන යන්නට ඇතැයි පොලිසිය සැක කරයි.
වසර ගණනාවක්ම කොළඹ නගර සභාව පාලනය වන්නේ එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂයේ බලය යටතේය. ඒ යටතේ සිටි නගරාධිපතිවරුන්ට මේ මහා පරිමාණ ගව ඝාතකාගාරය පිළිබඳ තොරතුරු නොලැබීම පුදුමයට කරුණක් බව පැවසෙයි.
අත්අඩංගුවට ගත් සැකකරුවන් අද (30) මාලිගාකන්ද අධිකරණයට ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට නියමිතව ඇත.
ඊට අමතරව කොළඹ නගර සභාවේ ඉහත කී නිලධාරීන්ගෙන් කට උත්තර ලබාගැනීමට ද පොලිසිය බලාපොරොත්තු වේ.
කොළඹ දිසාව බාර ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්ය පොලිස්පති අනුර සේනානායක මහතාගේ උපදෙස් සහ අධීක්ෂණය යටතේ කොටුව පොලිස් ස්ථානාධිපති ප්රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක චමිල රත්නායක මහතා ඇතුළු පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් තිස්දෙනෙක් පමණ වැටලීමට සහභාගි වූහ.
Cultivation and food imports (2 items)
මේ වසරේදී කුරක්කන්, උඳු, තල, බඩඉරිඟු සහ රටකජු ආනයනය නතර කරනවා
- කෘෂිකර්ම අමාත්යාංශය කියයි
අකිත පෙරේරා
කුරක්කන්, උඳු, තල, බඩ ඉරිඟු සහ රටකජු යන ධාන්ය වර්ග පහ මේ වසරේ සිට මෙරටට ආනයනය කිරීම අත්හිටුවීමට කෘෂිකර්ම අමාත්යාංශය තීරණය කර තිබේ.
අදාළ ධාන්යවර්ග දේශීයව වැඩි වශයෙන් වගා කිරීම මෙහි අරමුණ වන අතර දැනටමත් බඩඉරිඟු නිෂ්පාදනය ඉහළ ගොස් ඇතැයිද අමාත්යාංශය කියා සිටී.
මෙම ධාන්ය වර්ග මෙරටට ආනයනය නොකිරීම තුළින් විශාල විදේශ විනිමයක් ඉතිරිකර ගත හැකි වන අතර අදාළ ධාන්ය වර්ග මෙරට තුළ නිෂ්පාදනය වැඩිකිරීම ගොවීන් දිරිගන්වන බවද කෘෂිකර්ම අමත්යාංශය වැඩිදුරටත් පවසයි.
Govt moves to increase production of chilli, onion etc. to save exchange
- කෘෂිකර්ම අමාත්යාංශය කියයි
අකිත පෙරේරා
කුරක්කන්, උඳු, තල, බඩ ඉරිඟු සහ රටකජු යන ධාන්ය වර්ග පහ මේ වසරේ සිට මෙරටට ආනයනය කිරීම අත්හිටුවීමට කෘෂිකර්ම අමාත්යාංශය තීරණය කර තිබේ.
අදාළ ධාන්යවර්ග දේශීයව වැඩි වශයෙන් වගා කිරීම මෙහි අරමුණ වන අතර දැනටමත් බඩඉරිඟු නිෂ්පාදනය ඉහළ ගොස් ඇතැයිද අමාත්යාංශය කියා සිටී.
මෙම ධාන්ය වර්ග මෙරටට ආනයනය නොකිරීම තුළින් විශාල විදේශ විනිමයක් ඉතිරිකර ගත හැකි වන අතර අදාළ ධාන්ය වර්ග මෙරට තුළ නිෂ්පාදනය වැඩිකිරීම ගොවීන් දිරිගන්වන බවද කෘෂිකර්ම අමත්යාංශය වැඩිදුරටත් පවසයි.
Govt moves to increase production of chilli, onion etc. to save exchange
By Pabodha Hettige
President Mahinda Rajapaksa had requested the Ministry of Agriculture to initiate a programme to achieve self sufficiency in production of additional crops such as green gram, maize, onions, cow pea, chilli and peanuts, Additional Secretary to the Ministry, S. Emitiyagoda said.
"The ministry has taken steps to set up zones to cultivate such crops in Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Puttlam and many other districts in the dry zone," he said.
In 2011, five billion rupees worth of dry chillies, bombay onions worth over six billion rupees and red onions worth over six billion rupees had been imported to the country.
Sri Lanka annually needs 200,000 tonnes of maize, 100,000 tonnes of Bombay onions, 20,000 tonnes of chilli and 25,000 tonnes of green grams to satisfy the domestic needs.
In order to increase the production of the additional crops the ministry had received Rs. 450 million under Api Wawamu Rata Nagamu programme, Emitiyagoda said.
The ministry had also initiated a programme to set up rice export zones at a cost of Rs. 200 million in order to increase rice exports up to 200,000 tons by 2015.
Sri Lanka currently produces an excess of 300,000 tons of rice per year after satisfying the country’s domestic demand.
Currently Sri Lanka exports nearly 10,000 tons of rice to overseas markets. The ministry would also implement programmes to produce rice varieties, which has a high demand in international markets, Emitiyagoda said.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa had requested the Ministry of Agriculture to initiate a programme to achieve self sufficiency in production of additional crops such as green gram, maize, onions, cow pea, chilli and peanuts, Additional Secretary to the Ministry, S. Emitiyagoda said.
"The ministry has taken steps to set up zones to cultivate such crops in Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Puttlam and many other districts in the dry zone," he said.
In 2011, five billion rupees worth of dry chillies, bombay onions worth over six billion rupees and red onions worth over six billion rupees had been imported to the country.
Sri Lanka annually needs 200,000 tonnes of maize, 100,000 tonnes of Bombay onions, 20,000 tonnes of chilli and 25,000 tonnes of green grams to satisfy the domestic needs.
In order to increase the production of the additional crops the ministry had received Rs. 450 million under Api Wawamu Rata Nagamu programme, Emitiyagoda said.
The ministry had also initiated a programme to set up rice export zones at a cost of Rs. 200 million in order to increase rice exports up to 200,000 tons by 2015.
Sri Lanka currently produces an excess of 300,000 tons of rice per year after satisfying the country’s domestic demand.
Currently Sri Lanka exports nearly 10,000 tons of rice to overseas markets. The ministry would also implement programmes to produce rice varieties, which has a high demand in international markets, Emitiyagoda said.
President calls for increased milk production (2 items)
දියර කිරි භාවිතය ප්රචලිත කිරීමට කඩිනම් වැඩපිළිවෙළක් යොදන්න
ජනපතිගෙන් බලධාරීන්ට උපදෙස්
ගුණාත්මක බවින් පිරිපුන් දියර කිරි භාවිතය රට පුරා ප්රචලිත කිරීම සඳහා නිසි වැඩපිළිවෙළක් කඩිනමින් ක්රියාවට යොදවන ලෙස ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා අදාළ බලධාරීන්ට අවශ්ය උපදෙස් ලබා දුන්නේය.
කිරිපිටි ආනයනය කිරීම දිගින් දිගටම සිදු කරනවා වෙනුවට, දේශීය කිරි ගොවියා නගා සිටුවීමේ තවත් එක් ක්රියාමාර්ගයක් වශයෙන් පාරිභෝගිකයන් අතර දියර කිරි භාවිතය ප්රචලිත කිරීම වඩාත් යෝග්ය බවයි ජනාධිපතිතුමා පෙන්වා දෙනු ලැබුවේ.
ජනාධිපතිවරයා මේ උපදෙස් දෙනු ලැබුවේ ඊයේ (29) පෙරවරුවේ පොළොන්නරුව මිල්කෝ කර්මාන්ත ශාලා පරිශ්රයේ හදිසි නිරීක්ෂණ චාරිකාවකට එක්වෙමිනි.
රට තුළ දියර කිරි පරිභෝජනය වැඩි කිරීම මෙන්ම දියර කිරි අලෙවිය දිරි ගැන්වීමද රජයේ මහින්ද චින්තන වැඩපිළිවෙළේ එක් අංගයකි.
වාර්ෂිකව මෙරටට ආනයනය කරනු ලබන කිරිපිටි ප්රමාණය මෙට්රික් ටොන් 75,000 කටත් අධික වේ. ඒ වෙනුවෙන් ඩොලර් මිලියන 400කට ආසන්න මුදලක් වසරක් පාසා විදේශයන් වෙත ගලා යයි. මෙතරම් විශාල විදේශ විනිමයක් විදේශයන් වෙත වියදම් නොකර රට අභ්යන්තරයේ ඉතිරි කර ගනිමින් එම මුදල් සංවර්ධන කර්තව්යයක් වෙනුවෙන් යොදා ගත හැකි බව මෙහිදී පෙන්වා දුන් ජනාධිපතිවරයා දියර කිරි ආශි්රත නිෂ්පාදනයන් ද පොදු මහජනතාව වෙත වඩාත් සමීප කරවන ලෙස දැනුම් දුන්නේය.
පොළොන්නරුව මිල්කෝ කර්මාන්ත ශාලාවෙන් උකු කිරි හා ප්රථම වරට කල්කිරි නිෂ්පාදනයන් ද සිදු කරනු ලබන අතර, නිෂ්පාදන ධාරිතාව වැඩි කර ගැනීම සඳහා පසුගියදා පින්ලන්තයෙන් ආනයනය කරන ලද රුපියල් මිලියන 315ක් වටිනා නව යන්ත්රය ද ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ නිරීක්ෂණයට ලක් විය.
දියර කිරි නිෂ්පාදනයන් වැඩි කිරීම සඳහා ජාතික පශු සම්පත් මණ්ඩලයේ පොළොන්නරුව ගොවිපළේ අක්කර 2500 ක භූමි භාගයක කිරි දෙනුන් 2500ක් යොදවා දිනක දියර කිරි ධාරිතාව 40,000ක් දක්වා වැඩි කර ගැනීම වෙනුවෙන් වූ යෝජනාවකට මේ වන විටත් කැබිනට් අනුමැතිය හිමිව ඇති අතර ඉදිරියේ දී එය කඩිනමින් ක්රියාවට නැංවීමට ද නියමිතය.
පශු සම්පත් හා ග්රාමීය ප්රජා සංවර්ධන නියෝජ්ය්ය ඇමැති එච්. ආර්. මිත්රපාල, මිල්කෝ සමාගමේ සභාපති සුනිල් වික්රමසිංහ මහත්වරු ද මේ අවස්ථාවට සහභාගී වූහ.
President calls for increased milk production
President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday directed authorities in the livestock development and dairy product industry to implement a suitable programme for promoting the use of organic dairy products, with an emphasis to produce nutritionally superior liquid milk for the country.
The President said so while on a visit to the Polonnaruwa milk factory of Milco Private Limited to inspect its activities. Livestock and Rural Development Deputy Minister H R Mithrapala and Milco chairman Sunil Wickremesinghe accompanied the President on his visit. President Mahinda Rajapaksa instructed officials to expand its operations to increase liquid milk production. Increasing domestic milk production was a basic pledge in the Mahinda Chinthana development programme.
President Rajapaksa pointed out that the country imports more than 75, 000 metric tonnes of milk powder annually, for which it pays round 400 million US dollars. "If the country could save such huge sums of money from going to foreign countries, it could be used for development activities.
He also requested officials to work with more dedication by providing the public healthy dairy products against those genetically engineered livestock products which are available in the market.
President Rajapaksa also inspected the factory's ultra high temperature milk processing plant, recently imported from Finland at a cost of Rs 315 million. The plant is expected to increase milk production.
The Cabinet recently approved a proposal by the Livestock Ministry to increase dairy milk production by bringing 2500 cows to the factory's 2500-acre dairy farm in Polonnaruwa.
According to Livestock and Rural Community Development Minister Arumugam Thondaman, Milco had the capacity to process 70,000 litres of milk per eight hour shift as at present.
ජනපතිගෙන් බලධාරීන්ට උපදෙස්
ගුණාත්මක බවින් පිරිපුන් දියර කිරි භාවිතය රට පුරා ප්රචලිත කිරීම සඳහා නිසි වැඩපිළිවෙළක් කඩිනමින් ක්රියාවට යොදවන ලෙස ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා අදාළ බලධාරීන්ට අවශ්ය උපදෙස් ලබා දුන්නේය.
කිරිපිටි ආනයනය කිරීම දිගින් දිගටම සිදු කරනවා වෙනුවට, දේශීය කිරි ගොවියා නගා සිටුවීමේ තවත් එක් ක්රියාමාර්ගයක් වශයෙන් පාරිභෝගිකයන් අතර දියර කිරි භාවිතය ප්රචලිත කිරීම වඩාත් යෝග්ය බවයි ජනාධිපතිතුමා පෙන්වා දෙනු ලැබුවේ.
ජනාධිපතිවරයා මේ උපදෙස් දෙනු ලැබුවේ ඊයේ (29) පෙරවරුවේ පොළොන්නරුව මිල්කෝ කර්මාන්ත ශාලා පරිශ්රයේ හදිසි නිරීක්ෂණ චාරිකාවකට එක්වෙමිනි.
රට තුළ දියර කිරි පරිභෝජනය වැඩි කිරීම මෙන්ම දියර කිරි අලෙවිය දිරි ගැන්වීමද රජයේ මහින්ද චින්තන වැඩපිළිවෙළේ එක් අංගයකි.
වාර්ෂිකව මෙරටට ආනයනය කරනු ලබන කිරිපිටි ප්රමාණය මෙට්රික් ටොන් 75,000 කටත් අධික වේ. ඒ වෙනුවෙන් ඩොලර් මිලියන 400කට ආසන්න මුදලක් වසරක් පාසා විදේශයන් වෙත ගලා යයි. මෙතරම් විශාල විදේශ විනිමයක් විදේශයන් වෙත වියදම් නොකර රට අභ්යන්තරයේ ඉතිරි කර ගනිමින් එම මුදල් සංවර්ධන කර්තව්යයක් වෙනුවෙන් යොදා ගත හැකි බව මෙහිදී පෙන්වා දුන් ජනාධිපතිවරයා දියර කිරි ආශි්රත නිෂ්පාදනයන් ද පොදු මහජනතාව වෙත වඩාත් සමීප කරවන ලෙස දැනුම් දුන්නේය.
පොළොන්නරුව මිල්කෝ කර්මාන්ත ශාලාවෙන් උකු කිරි හා ප්රථම වරට කල්කිරි නිෂ්පාදනයන් ද සිදු කරනු ලබන අතර, නිෂ්පාදන ධාරිතාව වැඩි කර ගැනීම සඳහා පසුගියදා පින්ලන්තයෙන් ආනයනය කරන ලද රුපියල් මිලියන 315ක් වටිනා නව යන්ත්රය ද ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ නිරීක්ෂණයට ලක් විය.
දියර කිරි නිෂ්පාදනයන් වැඩි කිරීම සඳහා ජාතික පශු සම්පත් මණ්ඩලයේ පොළොන්නරුව ගොවිපළේ අක්කර 2500 ක භූමි භාගයක කිරි දෙනුන් 2500ක් යොදවා දිනක දියර කිරි ධාරිතාව 40,000ක් දක්වා වැඩි කර ගැනීම වෙනුවෙන් වූ යෝජනාවකට මේ වන විටත් කැබිනට් අනුමැතිය හිමිව ඇති අතර ඉදිරියේ දී එය කඩිනමින් ක්රියාවට නැංවීමට ද නියමිතය.
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President calls for increased milk production
President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday directed authorities in the livestock development and dairy product industry to implement a suitable programme for promoting the use of organic dairy products, with an emphasis to produce nutritionally superior liquid milk for the country.
The President said so while on a visit to the Polonnaruwa milk factory of Milco Private Limited to inspect its activities. Livestock and Rural Development Deputy Minister H R Mithrapala and Milco chairman Sunil Wickremesinghe accompanied the President on his visit. President Mahinda Rajapaksa instructed officials to expand its operations to increase liquid milk production. Increasing domestic milk production was a basic pledge in the Mahinda Chinthana development programme.
President Rajapaksa pointed out that the country imports more than 75, 000 metric tonnes of milk powder annually, for which it pays round 400 million US dollars. "If the country could save such huge sums of money from going to foreign countries, it could be used for development activities.
He also requested officials to work with more dedication by providing the public healthy dairy products against those genetically engineered livestock products which are available in the market.
President Rajapaksa also inspected the factory's ultra high temperature milk processing plant, recently imported from Finland at a cost of Rs 315 million. The plant is expected to increase milk production.
The Cabinet recently approved a proposal by the Livestock Ministry to increase dairy milk production by bringing 2500 cows to the factory's 2500-acre dairy farm in Polonnaruwa.
According to Livestock and Rural Community Development Minister Arumugam Thondaman, Milco had the capacity to process 70,000 litres of milk per eight hour shift as at present.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
From clutches of war to environmental degradation
Written by Mathugama Seneviruwan
The Mullaitivu district encompasses a large land area of the Vanni. Most of this land was gradually swallowed up by jungle after the Portuguese overthrew the Arya Chakravarthi rulers in the North. These same lands have now become a valuable eco system.
Much of the land area where Prabhakaran and his LTTE met its end, that is, the coastal area encompassing the Nandikadal lagoon, Nayaru lagoon, Kokkuthuduwai lagoon, and Kokkilai lagoon had been covered by thick jungle for over 30 years. The road cutting through the jungle from Trincomalee to Mullaitivu was originally built by the British. Mullaitivu functioned as a major base for British forces from 1796, until it fell to Bandara Vanniya in 1803. The British were eventually able to retake Mullaitivu by sending fresh troops through the jungle road mentioned above.
At present, one can use two main roads to get to Mullaitivu. These roads could not be maintained properly during the war years. Currently, the road that one takes after Mankulum junction and turns right after Oddusudan takes one to Mullaitivu. The other way to get to Mullaitivu is through the Puliyankulum road. Mullaitivu town, which is situated on the southern border of the Nandikadal lagoon, was used both as a berth for fishing vessels and a base for foreign traders.
The entire area looks completely flat, and the herds of cattle seen in these areas provide fertilizer for paddy fields and farms in the area. The lagoon and paddy fields are only separated by a thin strip of land. The extraordinary aspect here is that on one side, you get salt water, but on the other side, where the paddy fields are situated, it’s freshwater. Water for paddy fields that lie along the way to Nandikadal lagoon is supplied by two wewas, namely, Kanukkenikuluma Wewa and Palaikadduwankulum Wewa. A massive irrigation canal that connects these Wewas is also located in this area.
The same applies for Nayaru lagoon. Water from several wewas, namely Manal Aru, Paladi Aru, and Naya Aru constantly flow into this lagoon. Diyabethme Wewa, or Thannimuruppukulam Wewa, originates in the Anandakuluma forest reserve where the other Wewas mentioned above also originate. Naganchola and Mullaitivu forest reserves also nourish all small and large waterways in this area. These lands are best suited for traditional rice seeds such as Murungakayan, and Peranelli. Unfortunately, it seems as if youth who traded their farming implements for guns have forgotten their own culture which was so bound to the earth.
As soon as one passes the Nayaru lagoon, one enters a world that most people don’t normally get to see. This is because the coastline from here to Kokkilai lagoon is still in the process of being demined. It is quite clear that this painstaking mission, conducted with the aid of Indian technical expertise, will nevertheless, take quite some time.
The vegetation in this area has been protected for 30 years as they were generally left alone during the 30 year conflict. However, at present, the jungles around Kokthuduwa, or Kokkuthuduwai, which is frequented by storks, are being destroyed. It is understandable that the trees and plants on either side of the roads had to be cleared during the final conflict; however, it is tragic that this narrow strip of land is constantly being reduced.
The stretch of land from Kumalamune to Kokkilai lagoon is still dense jungle. However, there are indications of fisher community settlement in several places. Karawadidukeni is one such place. There are indications that an ancient Wewa existed there. Niranikeni has ruins of an ancient Buddhist Stupa. There is an army base currently on Kokthuduwa hill. One can see ancient Buddhist ruins here as well.
However, there has been no caution exercised when working in this ecosystem. Massive and valuable trees such as Weera, Palu, and Myla have been carelessly cut down. Large gravel filled trenches have been cut into the earth after large swaths of jungle have been cleared. The Nagachola forest reserve, Anandakulum forest reserve, and the stretch of forest running along the Kokkilai lagoon all serve as valuable habitats for local wildlife. If steps are taken to protect the stretch of jungle from Mullaitivu to Kokilai lagoon, it has the potential to serve as a sanctuary for the elephant population, which is currently finding its habitat dwindling every day.
The reason for such destruction is the semi-militarisation of all development projects that are taking place in the north. Aspects such as environmental resources management, land use, and archaeological research are being pushed aside with the primary aim of utilizing all available resources towards making these areas attractive for tourism. This has resulted in the haphazard method of clearing forested land from these areas. The government aims to create a tourist zone that covers this eastern coastline. There are already plans to build a bridge across the Kokkilai lagoon.
The Nayaru, Kokkilai and Kokkuthuduwai lagoons have all been settlements for migratory fishermen centuries. Fishermen, who arrive here from Negambo, set up camp here and engage in fishing for a certain period of time. However, they cause no damage to the environment. Thus, these lagoon areas are more suited for fishing than tourism. If the government takes steps to designate all jungle areas as forest reserves, while excluding the lagoons, then they will serve as a natural and much needed habitat for local wildlife. Such a measure is also needed to conserve designated agricultural zones found here.
The Mullaitivu district encompasses a large land area of the Vanni. Most of this land was gradually swallowed up by jungle after the Portuguese overthrew the Arya Chakravarthi rulers in the North. These same lands have now become a valuable eco system.
Much of the land area where Prabhakaran and his LTTE met its end, that is, the coastal area encompassing the Nandikadal lagoon, Nayaru lagoon, Kokkuthuduwai lagoon, and Kokkilai lagoon had been covered by thick jungle for over 30 years. The road cutting through the jungle from Trincomalee to Mullaitivu was originally built by the British. Mullaitivu functioned as a major base for British forces from 1796, until it fell to Bandara Vanniya in 1803. The British were eventually able to retake Mullaitivu by sending fresh troops through the jungle road mentioned above.
At present, one can use two main roads to get to Mullaitivu. These roads could not be maintained properly during the war years. Currently, the road that one takes after Mankulum junction and turns right after Oddusudan takes one to Mullaitivu. The other way to get to Mullaitivu is through the Puliyankulum road. Mullaitivu town, which is situated on the southern border of the Nandikadal lagoon, was used both as a berth for fishing vessels and a base for foreign traders.
The entire area looks completely flat, and the herds of cattle seen in these areas provide fertilizer for paddy fields and farms in the area. The lagoon and paddy fields are only separated by a thin strip of land. The extraordinary aspect here is that on one side, you get salt water, but on the other side, where the paddy fields are situated, it’s freshwater. Water for paddy fields that lie along the way to Nandikadal lagoon is supplied by two wewas, namely, Kanukkenikuluma Wewa and Palaikadduwankulum Wewa. A massive irrigation canal that connects these Wewas is also located in this area.
The same applies for Nayaru lagoon. Water from several wewas, namely Manal Aru, Paladi Aru, and Naya Aru constantly flow into this lagoon. Diyabethme Wewa, or Thannimuruppukulam Wewa, originates in the Anandakuluma forest reserve where the other Wewas mentioned above also originate. Naganchola and Mullaitivu forest reserves also nourish all small and large waterways in this area. These lands are best suited for traditional rice seeds such as Murungakayan, and Peranelli. Unfortunately, it seems as if youth who traded their farming implements for guns have forgotten their own culture which was so bound to the earth.
As soon as one passes the Nayaru lagoon, one enters a world that most people don’t normally get to see. This is because the coastline from here to Kokkilai lagoon is still in the process of being demined. It is quite clear that this painstaking mission, conducted with the aid of Indian technical expertise, will nevertheless, take quite some time.
The vegetation in this area has been protected for 30 years as they were generally left alone during the 30 year conflict. However, at present, the jungles around Kokthuduwa, or Kokkuthuduwai, which is frequented by storks, are being destroyed. It is understandable that the trees and plants on either side of the roads had to be cleared during the final conflict; however, it is tragic that this narrow strip of land is constantly being reduced.
The stretch of land from Kumalamune to Kokkilai lagoon is still dense jungle. However, there are indications of fisher community settlement in several places. Karawadidukeni is one such place. There are indications that an ancient Wewa existed there. Niranikeni has ruins of an ancient Buddhist Stupa. There is an army base currently on Kokthuduwa hill. One can see ancient Buddhist ruins here as well.
However, there has been no caution exercised when working in this ecosystem. Massive and valuable trees such as Weera, Palu, and Myla have been carelessly cut down. Large gravel filled trenches have been cut into the earth after large swaths of jungle have been cleared. The Nagachola forest reserve, Anandakulum forest reserve, and the stretch of forest running along the Kokkilai lagoon all serve as valuable habitats for local wildlife. If steps are taken to protect the stretch of jungle from Mullaitivu to Kokilai lagoon, it has the potential to serve as a sanctuary for the elephant population, which is currently finding its habitat dwindling every day.
The reason for such destruction is the semi-militarisation of all development projects that are taking place in the north. Aspects such as environmental resources management, land use, and archaeological research are being pushed aside with the primary aim of utilizing all available resources towards making these areas attractive for tourism. This has resulted in the haphazard method of clearing forested land from these areas. The government aims to create a tourist zone that covers this eastern coastline. There are already plans to build a bridge across the Kokkilai lagoon.
The Nayaru, Kokkilai and Kokkuthuduwai lagoons have all been settlements for migratory fishermen centuries. Fishermen, who arrive here from Negambo, set up camp here and engage in fishing for a certain period of time. However, they cause no damage to the environment. Thus, these lagoon areas are more suited for fishing than tourism. If the government takes steps to designate all jungle areas as forest reserves, while excluding the lagoons, then they will serve as a natural and much needed habitat for local wildlife. Such a measure is also needed to conserve designated agricultural zones found here.
Balance US$ 800 ml. IMF loan poses problem for Govt.
The Central Bank and a visiting International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation are discussing whether Sri Lanka should or not draw US$ 800 million, the final balance of the IMF’s US$ 2.6 billion Standby Arrangement (SBA).
If the balance is drawn, the entire loan will be converted into a higher interest rate facility. Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal said though every country was entitled to 300% of its quota in the IMF, which is $1.8 billion – and has been already drawn -- Sri Lanka was approved a loan in July 2009 of US$ 2.6 billion which is 400% of its quota.
According to IMF guidelines, the 300% quota loan comes at 1.1% interest whereas anything above that is at 3.1% interest. “The issue here is that if we take the balance US$ 800 million, the entire loan — US$ 2.6 billion — then gets converted to a 3.1% interest facility whereas we pay 1.1% only on US$ 1.8 billion and not draw any more,” he said. Mr. Cabraal said the decision to draw this balance or not would be made this week before the delegation left.
However United National Party parliamentarian and economist Harsha de Silva raised the question that if the CB had raised funds earlier at 6-7% interest in the commercial market, how could 3% interest be too much?
“The Governor, who is an accountant, should know better that 3% is cheaper than 6-7%. Furthermore the CB is planning to raise more funds this year (from the commercial market),” he told the Sunday Times.
Dr. de Silva, however, refused to comment on discussions a UNP team led by Opposition leader Ranil Wickremesinghe and including MPs Ravi Karunanayake, Dr de Silva and Eran Wickramaratne had with the visiting IMF team.
According to official sources, privy to the discussions but speaking strictly on condition of anonymity, contrasting views emerged when the team met Government and Opposition officials.
While the visiting mission expressed concern to the opposition over the use of the fund’s entire US$1.8 billion bail-out package by the Central Bank (CB) to defend the rupee, it had a more positive approach in meetings with the CB.
‘These were contrasting views, at least from the tenor and tone of the discussions,” one official said.
The official, close to the IMF discussions, said the flawed exchange rate management process was the biggest source of concern to the IMF. “They (IMF officials) were at a loss to understand why the rupee was being defended (so vigorously) with these foreign reserves,” he said.
However, in meetings with Senior Minister Sarath Amunugama, Treasury Secretary P.B. Jayasundera and Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal, the general tone was that the economy was on a sound footing.
Asked to comment on the discussions and the Fund’s concern over exchange rate management, CB Governor Cabraal said the use of reserves (to defend the rupee) was no more a priority issue.
“We needed 3.5 months worth of reserves (around US$ 4-5 billion) and then went on to raise US$ 8 billion. Granted, this has dropped to around US$ 6 billion but even at the time when it was at US$ 8 billion, we repeatedly said in statements (issued at that time) that this was in excess (of our needs). So this is not an issue,” he said.
On the discussions, the CB Governor said it went off well giving a chance to the two sides to examine the entirety of the 36-month, US$ 2.6 billion Standby Arrangement (SBA) and do a complete evaluation.
“The IMF gave us good ideas to go forward based on the (CB) roadmap,” he said.
The Business Times (the Sunday Times’ business section) last week exclusively reported that the CB was considering a fee-based, commitment programme where Sri Lanka could draw the US$ 800 million at a later stage, only if the necessity arose.
The decision to enter into a contract for a surveillance monitoring programme, a standard practice in any country that has completed a SBA facility, was also reported last week. While the monitoring facility is what both sides are in agreement, Mr. Cabraal said a decision on whether to draw the balance US$ 800 million or not would be made next week in the final round of discussions with the visiting team.
Referring to concerns of a rising trade deficit, he said the CB had paved the way for non-trade foreign exchange inflows to bridge the gap and even have a trade surplus by the middle of this year. (A trade deficit occurs when imports cost more than revenue earned from exports.) These ways are commercial banks and the private sector being able to access foreign funds, foreign direct investment inflows, remittances, portfolio investments in the stock market and negotiating a special US$1 billion facility for oil imports, he said.
“I can’t give details on the special oil facility as it is under negotiation but this will reduce our oil bill which was about US$ 4.5 billion last year against US$ 3 billion in 2010,” Mr. Cabraal said.
Other avenues of raising foreign funds, as stated earlier, would considerably ease pressure on the trade deficit and minimize the need for the CB to intervene and sell dollars in the money market, he said.
If the balance is drawn, the entire loan will be converted into a higher interest rate facility. Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal said though every country was entitled to 300% of its quota in the IMF, which is $1.8 billion – and has been already drawn -- Sri Lanka was approved a loan in July 2009 of US$ 2.6 billion which is 400% of its quota.
According to IMF guidelines, the 300% quota loan comes at 1.1% interest whereas anything above that is at 3.1% interest. “The issue here is that if we take the balance US$ 800 million, the entire loan — US$ 2.6 billion — then gets converted to a 3.1% interest facility whereas we pay 1.1% only on US$ 1.8 billion and not draw any more,” he said. Mr. Cabraal said the decision to draw this balance or not would be made this week before the delegation left.
However United National Party parliamentarian and economist Harsha de Silva raised the question that if the CB had raised funds earlier at 6-7% interest in the commercial market, how could 3% interest be too much?
“The Governor, who is an accountant, should know better that 3% is cheaper than 6-7%. Furthermore the CB is planning to raise more funds this year (from the commercial market),” he told the Sunday Times.
Dr. de Silva, however, refused to comment on discussions a UNP team led by Opposition leader Ranil Wickremesinghe and including MPs Ravi Karunanayake, Dr de Silva and Eran Wickramaratne had with the visiting IMF team.
According to official sources, privy to the discussions but speaking strictly on condition of anonymity, contrasting views emerged when the team met Government and Opposition officials.
While the visiting mission expressed concern to the opposition over the use of the fund’s entire US$1.8 billion bail-out package by the Central Bank (CB) to defend the rupee, it had a more positive approach in meetings with the CB.
‘These were contrasting views, at least from the tenor and tone of the discussions,” one official said.
The official, close to the IMF discussions, said the flawed exchange rate management process was the biggest source of concern to the IMF. “They (IMF officials) were at a loss to understand why the rupee was being defended (so vigorously) with these foreign reserves,” he said.
However, in meetings with Senior Minister Sarath Amunugama, Treasury Secretary P.B. Jayasundera and Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal, the general tone was that the economy was on a sound footing.
Asked to comment on the discussions and the Fund’s concern over exchange rate management, CB Governor Cabraal said the use of reserves (to defend the rupee) was no more a priority issue.
“We needed 3.5 months worth of reserves (around US$ 4-5 billion) and then went on to raise US$ 8 billion. Granted, this has dropped to around US$ 6 billion but even at the time when it was at US$ 8 billion, we repeatedly said in statements (issued at that time) that this was in excess (of our needs). So this is not an issue,” he said.
On the discussions, the CB Governor said it went off well giving a chance to the two sides to examine the entirety of the 36-month, US$ 2.6 billion Standby Arrangement (SBA) and do a complete evaluation.
“The IMF gave us good ideas to go forward based on the (CB) roadmap,” he said.
The Business Times (the Sunday Times’ business section) last week exclusively reported that the CB was considering a fee-based, commitment programme where Sri Lanka could draw the US$ 800 million at a later stage, only if the necessity arose.
The decision to enter into a contract for a surveillance monitoring programme, a standard practice in any country that has completed a SBA facility, was also reported last week. While the monitoring facility is what both sides are in agreement, Mr. Cabraal said a decision on whether to draw the balance US$ 800 million or not would be made next week in the final round of discussions with the visiting team.
Referring to concerns of a rising trade deficit, he said the CB had paved the way for non-trade foreign exchange inflows to bridge the gap and even have a trade surplus by the middle of this year. (A trade deficit occurs when imports cost more than revenue earned from exports.) These ways are commercial banks and the private sector being able to access foreign funds, foreign direct investment inflows, remittances, portfolio investments in the stock market and negotiating a special US$1 billion facility for oil imports, he said.
“I can’t give details on the special oil facility as it is under negotiation but this will reduce our oil bill which was about US$ 4.5 billion last year against US$ 3 billion in 2010,” Mr. Cabraal said.
Other avenues of raising foreign funds, as stated earlier, would considerably ease pressure on the trade deficit and minimize the need for the CB to intervene and sell dollars in the money market, he said.
Spot fines, jail terms for mosquito breeders
By Nadia Fazlulhaq
Chief occupants of households with mosquito-breeding grounds will now face spot fines or even jail terms, a Health Ministry official warned yesterday as the dengue epidemic continues. He said this would take effect when Parliament approved amendments to the Mosquito Breeding Prevention Act of 2007.
The amendments would empower the Director General of Health to declare an emergency situation in areas with high number of dengue cases.
During the emergency period, Medical Officers of Health (MOH) would have the power to impose spot fines of up to Rs. 2000 on any person found guilty of not taking measures to curb mosquito breeding. This wouild be similar to the spot fines imposed on traffic offenders.
Health Ministry’s Deputy Director General (Public Health), Dr. Sarath Amunugama said that according to present laws, about two weeks were needed to take action against offenders and during this time, thousands of mosquitoes would have bred.
“Usually a verbal warning is given by MOHs and Public Health Inspectors (PHIs), then a warning notice and finally legal action. It’s a long process and it is apparently not being taken seriously by most people,” he said.
Under the present Act, if the owner or the occupier fails to take measures to destroy breeding grounds, he or she is produced before a magistrate and fined not less than Rs. 1000 and not more than Rs.25, 000.
“The new law will impose a jail term of six months for offenders,” Dr. Amunugama said. He said the new law would also enable health officials to enter and inspect gardens of private residences without written consent of the residents. Photographic evidence would be submitted to court when prosecuting offenders.
Last year 185 persons died and 28,140 dengue cases were reported. Dengue has already claimed 13 lives this month with 2,638 cases being reported. The highest number of cases was reported from Colombo and Gampaha districts followed by Kandy, Kalutara, Puttalam, and Ratnapura.
Chief occupants of households with mosquito-breeding grounds will now face spot fines or even jail terms, a Health Ministry official warned yesterday as the dengue epidemic continues. He said this would take effect when Parliament approved amendments to the Mosquito Breeding Prevention Act of 2007.
The amendments would empower the Director General of Health to declare an emergency situation in areas with high number of dengue cases.
During the emergency period, Medical Officers of Health (MOH) would have the power to impose spot fines of up to Rs. 2000 on any person found guilty of not taking measures to curb mosquito breeding. This wouild be similar to the spot fines imposed on traffic offenders.
Health Ministry’s Deputy Director General (Public Health), Dr. Sarath Amunugama said that according to present laws, about two weeks were needed to take action against offenders and during this time, thousands of mosquitoes would have bred.
“Usually a verbal warning is given by MOHs and Public Health Inspectors (PHIs), then a warning notice and finally legal action. It’s a long process and it is apparently not being taken seriously by most people,” he said.
Under the present Act, if the owner or the occupier fails to take measures to destroy breeding grounds, he or she is produced before a magistrate and fined not less than Rs. 1000 and not more than Rs.25, 000.
“The new law will impose a jail term of six months for offenders,” Dr. Amunugama said. He said the new law would also enable health officials to enter and inspect gardens of private residences without written consent of the residents. Photographic evidence would be submitted to court when prosecuting offenders.
Last year 185 persons died and 28,140 dengue cases were reported. Dengue has already claimed 13 lives this month with 2,638 cases being reported. The highest number of cases was reported from Colombo and Gampaha districts followed by Kandy, Kalutara, Puttalam, and Ratnapura.
Clinical trials on safety of drugs with animals and humans as ‘guinea pigs’
Only multinational firms could afford carrying out such tests, says pharmacology Prof.
By Kumudini Hettiarachchi
Clinical trials are experiments conducted on human beings to test the efficacy and safety of new drugs or devices or new indications of drugs or devices already in use. Explaining the process, Prof. Lal Jayakody, Professor of Pharmacology of the Medical Faculty, University of Colombo, said firstly such drugs are tested on animals and later on humans. These drugs are developed by the pharmaceutical industry and the development process is long drawn out and expensive as well as requiring the services of many experts.
“Therefore, only multinational pharmaceutical companies can afford to carry out such research and so far Sri Lanka has participated in small trials,” he said. (See box and graphic for how clinical trials are approved now)
Referring to the Clinical Trials Bill, Prof. Jayakody who pointed out that existing legislation has only about one or two sentences with regard to such research and these are “grossly inadequate”, and stressed that stringent legislation in this regard is “good in principle”.
The fact that must never be forgotten is that these are experiments on humans and their safety should be ensured as far as possible, the Sunday Times learns. Prof. Jayakody echoed the view that there should not be any secrecy around the Bill and urged for sufficient time to peruse the final draft and suggest amendments.
When asked whether the Clinical Trials Regulatory Division (CTRD) should be a stand-alone body, Prof. Jayakody pointed out that as most clinical trials pertain to drugs and devices, the focal point should be the Cosmetic, Devices and Drugs Authority (CDDA) and the CTRD should be under it.
The introduction of well-regulated clinical trials would be in keeping with global and regional trends, according to Prof. Jayakody and the “positives” include not only the development of expertise in researchers but also networks with other universities and agencies. While there would also be technological transfer to the country, the funds flowing in should only be considered a subsidiary benefit. “It is imperative that researchers safeguard the interests of participants and that research interests do not overwhelm the interests of participants,” he said.
Dealing with the “negatives”, this senior Professor issued a gentle reminder that when doctors agree to be investigators in clinical trials they should take up that responsibility fully, having weighed the pros and cons whether they could devote time amidst their busy schedules at hospitals and practice, for research is time-consuming.
Don’t fall victim to the lure of large amounts of money which come with clinical trials as well as the numerous trips abroad, he urges, adding that one should always be guided by ethical committees and institutional guidelines of universities.
“There must be a transparent policy. Payments must be declared and should be verifiable,” he said.
Pointing out that there are different kinds of health legislation in the pipeline, he underscored the fact that it was the National Medicinal Drugs Policy to regularize pharmaceuticals that the public has not only been awaiting earnestly but also clamouring for.
Prof. Jayakody was also concerned that many important committees had the same experts. This may be due to the lack of expertise or the difficulty faced by experts in the periphery to travel to Colombo.
“There is an urgent need to change this. The Colombo-centric people are also over-taxed. We need new blood, inputs from the second level who should be empowered and trained,” he said. Taking up the issue of conflict of interest, he said that merely making a declaration and leaving the room is not good enough. Those with such conflicts should leave decision-making committees altogether.
Meanwhile, the newly-inducted Sri Lanka Medical Association President Prof. Vajira H.W. Dissanayake said that they were awaiting the modified draft of the Clinical Trials Bill. “Clinical trials are part of the process by which new medicines, better and more effective than what we have, are being developed and brought into clinical practice. Therefore, as users of medicine one could say that people should in fact make some contribution towards that process because we benefit from medicines tried and tested on other people and found to be effective and are in clinical practice,” he said.
Adding a word of caution, however, he pointed out that in the use of any molecule as a therapeutic or food, there is a potential risk. Therefore, evaluation of these molecules should happen in a strictly-controlled and regulated environment.
There should be national legislation governing clinical trials because in its absence anybody can do anything, as whatever process is in place doesn’t have the force of law backing it, he pointed out.
The CTRD should come under the CDDA, he stressed, adding that “nowhere in the world is it separate from the drug regulatory authority”.
Explaining the three main components of the proposed legislation as regulation, process of ethics review and registration of the trials, Prof. Dissanayake said the drug regulatory authority would have the power to look at the investigation process of the research; recognised Ethics Review Committees (ERCs) would take up the second task and the registration of such trials would put the information in the public domain.
The SLMA has an ERC to provide ethical review for any clinical trial applications from institutions which do not have their own ERC, while there are eight more ERCs accredited by the CDDA comprising seven at the medical faculties and one at the Medical Research Institute. The ERC of the Colombo Medical Faculty has also got international recognition under WHO’s Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review (SIDCER), the Sunday Times learns.
Prof. Dissanayake added that when clinical trials are registered it is in the public domain and people will be aware of the opportunities available for experimental drugs. They could then seek help in cases of cancer or genetic disorders where there are no known cures. The SLMA’s Clinical Trial Registry had been recognised by the WHO in 2006 as a primary registry even before the one in India.
The process of conducting clinical trials
Currently clinical trials are being monitored by the Health Ministry’s 17-member Sub-committee on Clinical Trials set up in January 2009 chaired by Cosmetic, Devices and Drugs Authority Director Dr. Hemantha Beneragama.
In 2011, the sub-committee which includes experts from the Health Ministry, medical faculties, the Sri Lanka Medical Association, the Post-Graduate Institute of Medicine and the Medical Research Institute, dealt with 12 applications, the Sunday Times learns.
Eight applications have been approved, one rejected and three are pending. Before the sub-committee was set up there was no formal process. Now a special application along with a detailed protocol has to be submitted, with clear guidelines set out on the CDDA’s website (www.cdda.gov.lk), Dr. Beneragama said.
Some of the important criteria, according to Dr. Beneragama, are that the Principal Investigator in the research should be a local medical specialist; ethical approval should have been obtained from one of the eight ERCs recognised by the CDDA; and once the research is approved it should be registered at a WHO-recognised Clinical Registry, the sole registry currently being at the SLMA.
Another condition is that the research should be part of a multi-centre trial with one centre being in a reference country such as the USA, England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada or Singapore where there is good regulation.
When the clinical trial is launched reports have to be submitted once in six months, adverse effects informed immediately, if the trial is terminated that too should be informed immediately and if completed the end-of-trial report submitted, it is learnt. “We must promote research in the country, as drugs specific for Asians could be produced. Sri Lanka is well-suited for such research because our doctors are well-qualified and the country has a good mix of both infectious and non-communicable diseases.
The clinical trials initiative will also promote research and curb the brain drain,” Dr. Beneragama said.
Pointing out the role of the drug regulatory authority, he said it safeguards the health of the people and prevents their exploitation while facilitating high-quality research carried out in conformity with the National Safety Regulations.
Concern over Lankans being used for drug research would lead to abuse
Laws to use Sri Lankans for drug research will be made public shortly, a Health Ministry official assured.
This came in the wake of protests against the proposed Clinical Trials Bill that will see Sri Lankans being used for experiments.
The final draft is not ready yet. As soon as the Legal Draftsman sends it, the Health Ministry will circulate it among the experts and the public, Ministry Secretary Dr. Ravindra Ruberu told the Sunday Times.
Experts, however, were disturbed over the “final synopsis” of the draft circulated among them earlier and alleged that if the Clinical Trials Regulatory Division (CTRD) is de-linked from the drug regulatory authority -- the Cosmetic, Devices and Drugs Authority (CDDA) -- serious issues could crop up.
“Then those with vested interests can easily influence matters with regard to clinical trials, endangering the men, women and children who would be ‘subjects’ or ‘participants’ in such research,” a source said, pointing out that fears were mounting as the final draft had not been seen even by those who were part of the National Steering Committee for Clinical Trials set up in 2009.
Another source wondered whether provision had been made in the Bill for a legal framework for Ethics Review Committees (ERCs) and their functioning.
ERCs are a vital cog in the wheel of holding clinical trials as ethical review is mandatory, the Sunday Times understands. The other matter of concern among many was whether the authorities are looking at clinical trials as a money-making venture for the government’s coffers. This may lead to the exploitation of the participants in such research, with money overriding the safety of people, they said.
The Sunday Times learns that the first draft of the Clinical Trials Bill was developed after numerous meetings of the National Steering Committee convened by the Department of National Planning under the Finance Ministry and chaired by Finance Secretary P.B. Jayasundera.
The consensus among all those whom the Sunday Times spoke to was that a Clinical Trials Act based on internationally-accepted ‘Good Clinical Practice (GCP)’ Guidelines is essential and should be geared to safeguard those participating in clinical trials. A Bill once finalised by the Legal Draftsman is taken before the Cabinet by the relevant minister for approval and then presented to Parliament.
By Kumudini Hettiarachchi
Clinical trials are experiments conducted on human beings to test the efficacy and safety of new drugs or devices or new indications of drugs or devices already in use. Explaining the process, Prof. Lal Jayakody, Professor of Pharmacology of the Medical Faculty, University of Colombo, said firstly such drugs are tested on animals and later on humans. These drugs are developed by the pharmaceutical industry and the development process is long drawn out and expensive as well as requiring the services of many experts.
“Therefore, only multinational pharmaceutical companies can afford to carry out such research and so far Sri Lanka has participated in small trials,” he said. (See box and graphic for how clinical trials are approved now)
Referring to the Clinical Trials Bill, Prof. Jayakody who pointed out that existing legislation has only about one or two sentences with regard to such research and these are “grossly inadequate”, and stressed that stringent legislation in this regard is “good in principle”.
The fact that must never be forgotten is that these are experiments on humans and their safety should be ensured as far as possible, the Sunday Times learns. Prof. Jayakody echoed the view that there should not be any secrecy around the Bill and urged for sufficient time to peruse the final draft and suggest amendments.
When asked whether the Clinical Trials Regulatory Division (CTRD) should be a stand-alone body, Prof. Jayakody pointed out that as most clinical trials pertain to drugs and devices, the focal point should be the Cosmetic, Devices and Drugs Authority (CDDA) and the CTRD should be under it.
The introduction of well-regulated clinical trials would be in keeping with global and regional trends, according to Prof. Jayakody and the “positives” include not only the development of expertise in researchers but also networks with other universities and agencies. While there would also be technological transfer to the country, the funds flowing in should only be considered a subsidiary benefit. “It is imperative that researchers safeguard the interests of participants and that research interests do not overwhelm the interests of participants,” he said.
Dealing with the “negatives”, this senior Professor issued a gentle reminder that when doctors agree to be investigators in clinical trials they should take up that responsibility fully, having weighed the pros and cons whether they could devote time amidst their busy schedules at hospitals and practice, for research is time-consuming.
Don’t fall victim to the lure of large amounts of money which come with clinical trials as well as the numerous trips abroad, he urges, adding that one should always be guided by ethical committees and institutional guidelines of universities.
“There must be a transparent policy. Payments must be declared and should be verifiable,” he said.
Pointing out that there are different kinds of health legislation in the pipeline, he underscored the fact that it was the National Medicinal Drugs Policy to regularize pharmaceuticals that the public has not only been awaiting earnestly but also clamouring for.
Prof. Jayakody was also concerned that many important committees had the same experts. This may be due to the lack of expertise or the difficulty faced by experts in the periphery to travel to Colombo.
“There is an urgent need to change this. The Colombo-centric people are also over-taxed. We need new blood, inputs from the second level who should be empowered and trained,” he said. Taking up the issue of conflict of interest, he said that merely making a declaration and leaving the room is not good enough. Those with such conflicts should leave decision-making committees altogether.
Meanwhile, the newly-inducted Sri Lanka Medical Association President Prof. Vajira H.W. Dissanayake said that they were awaiting the modified draft of the Clinical Trials Bill. “Clinical trials are part of the process by which new medicines, better and more effective than what we have, are being developed and brought into clinical practice. Therefore, as users of medicine one could say that people should in fact make some contribution towards that process because we benefit from medicines tried and tested on other people and found to be effective and are in clinical practice,” he said.
Adding a word of caution, however, he pointed out that in the use of any molecule as a therapeutic or food, there is a potential risk. Therefore, evaluation of these molecules should happen in a strictly-controlled and regulated environment.
There should be national legislation governing clinical trials because in its absence anybody can do anything, as whatever process is in place doesn’t have the force of law backing it, he pointed out.
The CTRD should come under the CDDA, he stressed, adding that “nowhere in the world is it separate from the drug regulatory authority”.
Explaining the three main components of the proposed legislation as regulation, process of ethics review and registration of the trials, Prof. Dissanayake said the drug regulatory authority would have the power to look at the investigation process of the research; recognised Ethics Review Committees (ERCs) would take up the second task and the registration of such trials would put the information in the public domain.
The SLMA has an ERC to provide ethical review for any clinical trial applications from institutions which do not have their own ERC, while there are eight more ERCs accredited by the CDDA comprising seven at the medical faculties and one at the Medical Research Institute. The ERC of the Colombo Medical Faculty has also got international recognition under WHO’s Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review (SIDCER), the Sunday Times learns.
Prof. Dissanayake added that when clinical trials are registered it is in the public domain and people will be aware of the opportunities available for experimental drugs. They could then seek help in cases of cancer or genetic disorders where there are no known cures. The SLMA’s Clinical Trial Registry had been recognised by the WHO in 2006 as a primary registry even before the one in India.
The process of conducting clinical trials
Currently clinical trials are being monitored by the Health Ministry’s 17-member Sub-committee on Clinical Trials set up in January 2009 chaired by Cosmetic, Devices and Drugs Authority Director Dr. Hemantha Beneragama.
In 2011, the sub-committee which includes experts from the Health Ministry, medical faculties, the Sri Lanka Medical Association, the Post-Graduate Institute of Medicine and the Medical Research Institute, dealt with 12 applications, the Sunday Times learns.
Eight applications have been approved, one rejected and three are pending. Before the sub-committee was set up there was no formal process. Now a special application along with a detailed protocol has to be submitted, with clear guidelines set out on the CDDA’s website (www.cdda.gov.lk), Dr. Beneragama said.
Some of the important criteria, according to Dr. Beneragama, are that the Principal Investigator in the research should be a local medical specialist; ethical approval should have been obtained from one of the eight ERCs recognised by the CDDA; and once the research is approved it should be registered at a WHO-recognised Clinical Registry, the sole registry currently being at the SLMA.
Another condition is that the research should be part of a multi-centre trial with one centre being in a reference country such as the USA, England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada or Singapore where there is good regulation.
When the clinical trial is launched reports have to be submitted once in six months, adverse effects informed immediately, if the trial is terminated that too should be informed immediately and if completed the end-of-trial report submitted, it is learnt. “We must promote research in the country, as drugs specific for Asians could be produced. Sri Lanka is well-suited for such research because our doctors are well-qualified and the country has a good mix of both infectious and non-communicable diseases.
The clinical trials initiative will also promote research and curb the brain drain,” Dr. Beneragama said.
Pointing out the role of the drug regulatory authority, he said it safeguards the health of the people and prevents their exploitation while facilitating high-quality research carried out in conformity with the National Safety Regulations.
Concern over Lankans being used for drug research would lead to abuse
Laws to use Sri Lankans for drug research will be made public shortly, a Health Ministry official assured.
This came in the wake of protests against the proposed Clinical Trials Bill that will see Sri Lankans being used for experiments.
The final draft is not ready yet. As soon as the Legal Draftsman sends it, the Health Ministry will circulate it among the experts and the public, Ministry Secretary Dr. Ravindra Ruberu told the Sunday Times.
Experts, however, were disturbed over the “final synopsis” of the draft circulated among them earlier and alleged that if the Clinical Trials Regulatory Division (CTRD) is de-linked from the drug regulatory authority -- the Cosmetic, Devices and Drugs Authority (CDDA) -- serious issues could crop up.
“Then those with vested interests can easily influence matters with regard to clinical trials, endangering the men, women and children who would be ‘subjects’ or ‘participants’ in such research,” a source said, pointing out that fears were mounting as the final draft had not been seen even by those who were part of the National Steering Committee for Clinical Trials set up in 2009.
Another source wondered whether provision had been made in the Bill for a legal framework for Ethics Review Committees (ERCs) and their functioning.
ERCs are a vital cog in the wheel of holding clinical trials as ethical review is mandatory, the Sunday Times understands. The other matter of concern among many was whether the authorities are looking at clinical trials as a money-making venture for the government’s coffers. This may lead to the exploitation of the participants in such research, with money overriding the safety of people, they said.
The Sunday Times learns that the first draft of the Clinical Trials Bill was developed after numerous meetings of the National Steering Committee convened by the Department of National Planning under the Finance Ministry and chaired by Finance Secretary P.B. Jayasundera.
The consensus among all those whom the Sunday Times spoke to was that a Clinical Trials Act based on internationally-accepted ‘Good Clinical Practice (GCP)’ Guidelines is essential and should be geared to safeguard those participating in clinical trials. A Bill once finalised by the Legal Draftsman is taken before the Cabinet by the relevant minister for approval and then presented to Parliament.
Clouds of dust
Story and pics by Indika Handuwala
With blatant disregard for the welfare of hundreds of families in the Laggala area, trucks transporting loads of sand from the Mahaweli river speed raising clouds of dust on an almost daily basis.
This has created a major health hazard for people living in the area.
More than a 1,000 trucks ply the 8 km stretch of road on a daily basis from Vilgamuwa — the sand collection point — with the village of Laggala being worst affected. Residents claim many have fallen sick with respiratory diseases while some have chosen to leave their homes to escape the constant exposure to dust that was making them ill.
Villagers said complaints to local government authorities or politicians in the area had not brought any positive results as most of them are engaged in the business of transporting sand.
With callous disregard massive trucks raise clouds of dust as they pass through human habitat.
The dust-covered trees tell their own tale.
School children cover their faces as an approaching truck raises clouds of dust.
With blatant disregard for the welfare of hundreds of families in the Laggala area, trucks transporting loads of sand from the Mahaweli river speed raising clouds of dust on an almost daily basis.
This has created a major health hazard for people living in the area.
More than a 1,000 trucks ply the 8 km stretch of road on a daily basis from Vilgamuwa — the sand collection point — with the village of Laggala being worst affected. Residents claim many have fallen sick with respiratory diseases while some have chosen to leave their homes to escape the constant exposure to dust that was making them ill.
Villagers said complaints to local government authorities or politicians in the area had not brought any positive results as most of them are engaged in the business of transporting sand.
With callous disregard massive trucks raise clouds of dust as they pass through human habitat.
The dust-covered trees tell their own tale.
School children cover their faces as an approaching truck raises clouds of dust.
Staggering Rs. 1 bn allocated per annum but the sick fed with poor food
Contractors bribe employees, make a big kill
Amidst reports of a disruption in the supply of meals to in-house patients in certain government hospitals due to bungling of the tender process, a drastic drop in the quality of the food served has caused widespread concern in health circles, The Sunday Island learns.
With the Health Ministry allocating a whopping one billion rupees annually to supply meals to patients and minor staff, winning a successful bid is described as a "goldmine". But political patronage plays a dominant role in the process resulting in potential suppliers capable of doing a better job being elbowed out, industry sources asserted.
Asked for comment on the tender procedure, a Health Ministry official said, "There are 47 hospitals under the jurisdiction of the central government and fresh bids are called for the supply of meals on a rotational basis – that’s as and when tenders have to be individually renewed".
"In most government hospitals, the sick are fed poor food below the targeted nutritional value", medical officials who asked not to be identified said. "This is common knowledge".
Each patient has to be given an 80 gram piece of fish but what is dished out weighs only 20 grams, they complained. "Inmates on a strict diet are medically advised to be served with carrots and cabbage apart from fish, meat or eggs as part of the meal, but more often they are instead given wattakka (pumpkin) and bandakka (ladies fingers)".
The fish supplied comprises cheap, virtually inedible varieties which, if given to the healthy would make them also sick, the officials noted. "Suppliers make a big kill this way".
"That is right, there have been complaints of poor food being dished out to patients", the Ministry official conceded. "The tenders are awarded under rigid guidelines which have to be adhered to".
For example, eggs served should be of a standard size and a plantain at least three inches long, he explained. "Another condition is that lunch should be ready by 11 am".
He said the director or his deputy of every government hospital should check on the quality of the food served to patients at least once a day. In addition, there are full-time food supervisors whose responsibility is to sample the meals and grant approval if they are satisfied with the quality and hygienic preparation.
A General Hospital has six food supervisors under the regular cadre, he said. "They are held responsible if the meals are found to be substandard".
Title; MEALS/29
Asked how contractors get away serving low quality, unpalatable food, the official replied, "The problem is that some supervisors are bought over".
On a recent surprise inspection of the kitchen of the Anuradhapura General Hospital, the cooked meals were found to be of an unbelievably low standard. A stock of half rotten fruits, brought to be served to patients, was also discovered. There was watery yoghurt brought hours ago on a table, he noted. "They were ordered to be discarded".
The supervisor on duty was taken to task, but with contractors minting money on supplying meals to hospitals willing to oil the palms of corrupt employees, it is a difficult proposition to make a change in the short-term, he said.
Asked about the reported disruption of meals to patients in certain hospitals, the official said he was unaware of any major issue on that score as suppliers are, under the terms and conditions of their contract, bound to serve food until the new contractor takes charge, in case there is a change.
Amidst reports of a disruption in the supply of meals to in-house patients in certain government hospitals due to bungling of the tender process, a drastic drop in the quality of the food served has caused widespread concern in health circles, The Sunday Island learns.
With the Health Ministry allocating a whopping one billion rupees annually to supply meals to patients and minor staff, winning a successful bid is described as a "goldmine". But political patronage plays a dominant role in the process resulting in potential suppliers capable of doing a better job being elbowed out, industry sources asserted.
Asked for comment on the tender procedure, a Health Ministry official said, "There are 47 hospitals under the jurisdiction of the central government and fresh bids are called for the supply of meals on a rotational basis – that’s as and when tenders have to be individually renewed".
"In most government hospitals, the sick are fed poor food below the targeted nutritional value", medical officials who asked not to be identified said. "This is common knowledge".
Each patient has to be given an 80 gram piece of fish but what is dished out weighs only 20 grams, they complained. "Inmates on a strict diet are medically advised to be served with carrots and cabbage apart from fish, meat or eggs as part of the meal, but more often they are instead given wattakka (pumpkin) and bandakka (ladies fingers)".
The fish supplied comprises cheap, virtually inedible varieties which, if given to the healthy would make them also sick, the officials noted. "Suppliers make a big kill this way".
"That is right, there have been complaints of poor food being dished out to patients", the Ministry official conceded. "The tenders are awarded under rigid guidelines which have to be adhered to".
For example, eggs served should be of a standard size and a plantain at least three inches long, he explained. "Another condition is that lunch should be ready by 11 am".
He said the director or his deputy of every government hospital should check on the quality of the food served to patients at least once a day. In addition, there are full-time food supervisors whose responsibility is to sample the meals and grant approval if they are satisfied with the quality and hygienic preparation.
A General Hospital has six food supervisors under the regular cadre, he said. "They are held responsible if the meals are found to be substandard".
Title; MEALS/29
Asked how contractors get away serving low quality, unpalatable food, the official replied, "The problem is that some supervisors are bought over".
On a recent surprise inspection of the kitchen of the Anuradhapura General Hospital, the cooked meals were found to be of an unbelievably low standard. A stock of half rotten fruits, brought to be served to patients, was also discovered. There was watery yoghurt brought hours ago on a table, he noted. "They were ordered to be discarded".
The supervisor on duty was taken to task, but with contractors minting money on supplying meals to hospitals willing to oil the palms of corrupt employees, it is a difficult proposition to make a change in the short-term, he said.
Asked about the reported disruption of meals to patients in certain hospitals, the official said he was unaware of any major issue on that score as suppliers are, under the terms and conditions of their contract, bound to serve food until the new contractor takes charge, in case there is a change.
Serving unhygienic food
Written by Carol Aloysius
In a dramatic turn of events seven prominent sports and swimming clubs were brought before court by the Colombo Municipality for serving unhygienic food to members and guests.
The culprits were Colombo Cricket Club (CCC), Nondescripts Cricket Club (NCC), Sinhalese Sports Club (SSC), Burgher Recreation Club (BRC), Colts Cricket Club (CCC) Otters Aquatic Club and the Capri Club, the Colombo Municipal Council confirmed.
CMC sources told The Nation yesterday, that it had filed cases against all seven clubs under the Food Act for unhygienic food preparation before the Maligawatte Magistrate’s Court. A special flying squad deployed by the CMC comprising doctors, lab technicians from the City Microbiological Laboratory, Public Health Inspectors and other officials tasked with surprise checks on all food outlets including star class hotels within the Colombo City had conducted the raids.
Scant respect has been paid to the basic rules of hygiene when it came to storing, cooking, and serving food, CMC sources said.
They claimed the clubs in question had poor storage facilities for both of cooked and raw food. Cooked and raw food such as meat had been stored in the same shelves in deep freezers. A similar scenario had been detected with regard to storage of raw vegetables and dry provisions like rice, flour and sugar. “Unclean kitchens worsened the situation”, sources said.
The CMC would exercise its powers to stop issuing licenses to these clubs this year until they complied with requirements, sources said.
Meanwhile, informed sources told The Nation that moves were afoot to enhance the fine on all those violating the Food Act to Rs. 50,000. The present fine is around Rs. 2,500, The Nation learns.
In a dramatic turn of events seven prominent sports and swimming clubs were brought before court by the Colombo Municipality for serving unhygienic food to members and guests.
The culprits were Colombo Cricket Club (CCC), Nondescripts Cricket Club (NCC), Sinhalese Sports Club (SSC), Burgher Recreation Club (BRC), Colts Cricket Club (CCC) Otters Aquatic Club and the Capri Club, the Colombo Municipal Council confirmed.
CMC sources told The Nation yesterday, that it had filed cases against all seven clubs under the Food Act for unhygienic food preparation before the Maligawatte Magistrate’s Court. A special flying squad deployed by the CMC comprising doctors, lab technicians from the City Microbiological Laboratory, Public Health Inspectors and other officials tasked with surprise checks on all food outlets including star class hotels within the Colombo City had conducted the raids.
Scant respect has been paid to the basic rules of hygiene when it came to storing, cooking, and serving food, CMC sources said.
They claimed the clubs in question had poor storage facilities for both of cooked and raw food. Cooked and raw food such as meat had been stored in the same shelves in deep freezers. A similar scenario had been detected with regard to storage of raw vegetables and dry provisions like rice, flour and sugar. “Unclean kitchens worsened the situation”, sources said.
The CMC would exercise its powers to stop issuing licenses to these clubs this year until they complied with requirements, sources said.
Meanwhile, informed sources told The Nation that moves were afoot to enhance the fine on all those violating the Food Act to Rs. 50,000. The present fine is around Rs. 2,500, The Nation learns.
Anti-rabies vaccinations arrive next week
With the 2011 anti-rabies vaccination stocks exhausted, health authorities await the next consignment to arrive next week,Health Ministry sources said. Sources added there was a temporary shortage of the vaccination till the next consignment of vaccination vials arrived. There are nearly three million stray dogs countrywide and a large number of victims are treated for rabies annually, they added.
Digital camera X-rays shortly
The Health Ministry will soon purchase Digital X-ray film strips from India to meet the current shortage of film strips at hospitals, Ministry sources disclosed. This measure is taken to avoid any future shortage of film strips for X-rays, sources added. The importation issue of Digital X-ray film strips is now being discussed at top level, they said. They noted that many countries have now converted to the use of digital film strips to overcome shortages.
More private buses on Expressway
Written by The Nation
The Private Bus Ministry will introduce more private buses on the Southern Expressway after calling for tenders, Ministry sources said. They said tenders would be called to ascertain the condition of buses and the luxury status needed to ply buses on the expressway which had to be driven at a specified speed. However, the ministry maintained that SLTB and private buses on the expressway would operate a limited number on a time table to meet the commuter demand.
The Private Bus Ministry will introduce more private buses on the Southern Expressway after calling for tenders, Ministry sources said. They said tenders would be called to ascertain the condition of buses and the luxury status needed to ply buses on the expressway which had to be driven at a specified speed. However, the ministry maintained that SLTB and private buses on the expressway would operate a limited number on a time table to meet the commuter demand.
Dengue lashes Colombo
The City of Colombo has been badly hit by the spreading dengue fever menace,Health Ministry sources said. They claimed despite warnings to keep the domestic environs clean,the Colombo Central and East areas did not comply with such warnings. The highest number of dengue cases and a few deaths have been recorded from these two areas,Colombo Municipal sources confirmed. Sources said the flat dwellings and slums in the areas were mosquito breeding grounds as households turned a blind eye to cleanliness.
Massive crackdown on Quacks
A special police operation is now underway to arrest 50,000 Quacks(fake doctors) who practice countrywide, Police said. The Health Ministry has ordered a major sweep to arrest these fake doctors,of whom, many are involved in performing abortions. Special police teams are deployed at electoral level to nab these Quacks, police added.
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සංවර්ධනයට කෝටි 29,000 ක් වෙන් කිරීමට යෝජිතයි
නිහාල් පී. අබේසිංහ
ලෝකයේ රටවල් අතර ආර්ථික වර්ධන වේගය අතින් ශ්රී ලංකාව ලබන වසරේදී දෙවැනි ස්ථානය දිනා ගනු ඇතැයි අන්තර්ජාතික මූල්ය අරමුදල සඳහන් කරයි.
අන්තර්ජාතික මූල්ය අරමුදලේ වාර්තාවක් උපුටා දක්වමින් මේ තොරතුරු අනාවරණය කළ ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන ඇමැති බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතා තව දුරටත් පෙන්වා දුන්නේ; ලොව ආර්ථික වර්ධන වේගය අතින් 2011 වසරේදී ශ්රී ලංකාව හතර වැනි ස්ථානයට පත්ව සිටි බවයි.
චීනයට පසුව ලොව වේගවත්ම ආර්ථික වර්ධන වේගය අත්කැර ගෙන සිටින ශ්රී ලංකාවට 2012, 2013 සහ 2014 යන වසර තුන සඳහා සංවර්ධනය වෙනුවෙන් රුපියල් කෝටි 29,000 ක් වෙන් කිරීමට යෝජිතය. දිවි නැඟුම වැඩ සටහන යටතේ 2011 දී අපේක්ෂා කළේ ගෘහ ආර්ථික ඒකක ලක්ෂ 10 ක් සංවර්ධනය කිරීමයි.
නමුත් පසුගිය වසරේදී ගෘහ ආර්ථික ඒකක ලක්ෂ 14 ක් සංවර්ධනය කළා. මේ වසරේදී අපි ගෘහ ආර්ථික ඒකක ලක්ෂ 25 ක් සංවර්ධනය කිරීමට අපේක්ෂා කරනවා යැයි ද ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන ඇමැති බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතා පැවැසීය. අද සමහර මාධ්යවේදින් රජයට විරුද්ධව පිකට් කරන්නේ මාධ්ය නිදහස මෙරට තිබෙන නිසා බව ද පැවසු ඇමැතිවරයා කවදත් මේ රටේ සංවර්ධනයට අකුල් හෙළූ ද්රෝහියෝ මෙරට සිටි බව ද පෙන්වා දුන්නේය.
අන්තර්ජාතික මූල්ය අරමුදල පළ කළ වාර්තාවක් අනුව ලොව බොහෝ දියුණු රටවල් හා දියුණු වන රටවල් ලබන වසරේ තම වර්ධන වේගය අඩුකර තිබෙනවා. නමුත් අපේ කලාපයේ අපේ රට විතරක් ආර්ථික වර්ධන වේගය වැඩි කරලා තිබෙනවා. චීනයත් ආර්ථික වේගය වැඩි කරල තිබෙනවා. ඉන්දියාව ජර්මනිය වගේ රටවල තම වර්ධන වේගය අඩු කරලා තිබෙනවා යැයි ද බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතා පැවැසීය.
එමෙන්ම පසුගිය වසර 2 - 3 ඇතුළත අපේ දළ ජාතික නිෂ්පාදනය වැඩි වෙලා. ඒක පුද්ගල ආදායම් වැඩි වෙලා. උද්ධමනය අඩු වෙලා. විරැකියාව අඩු වෙලා තිබෙනවා. මේ හැම එකක්ම බැලුවොත් අපේ ජීවන තත්ත්වය වැඩි වෙලා ඇති බවත් බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතා පවසයි. 2000 වසරේදී පුද්ගලයන් 2779 සිටියේ එක දොස්තරවරයයි. 2011 වන විට 1443 කට එක දොස්තරවරයෙක් ඉන්නවා යැයි ද ඒ මහතා පැවැසීය.
දිවි නැඟුම, ගම නැඟුම, පුර නැඟුම වැනි වැඩ සටහන් ඔස්සේ පවුල කේන්ද්රිය කරගත් ආර්ථික ප්රවර්ධන ක්රමයක් අනුව ගම, අන්තර් නගර හා ප්රධාන නගර සංවර්ධනයට පියවර රැසක් ගත් බවත් ඉදිරියේදී තවත් පියවර රැසක් ගන්නා බවත් ඇමැතිවරයා කීය.
නිහාල් පී. අබේසිංහ
ලෝකයේ රටවල් අතර ආර්ථික වර්ධන වේගය අතින් ශ්රී ලංකාව ලබන වසරේදී දෙවැනි ස්ථානය දිනා ගනු ඇතැයි අන්තර්ජාතික මූල්ය අරමුදල සඳහන් කරයි.
අන්තර්ජාතික මූල්ය අරමුදලේ වාර්තාවක් උපුටා දක්වමින් මේ තොරතුරු අනාවරණය කළ ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන ඇමැති බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතා තව දුරටත් පෙන්වා දුන්නේ; ලොව ආර්ථික වර්ධන වේගය අතින් 2011 වසරේදී ශ්රී ලංකාව හතර වැනි ස්ථානයට පත්ව සිටි බවයි.
චීනයට පසුව ලොව වේගවත්ම ආර්ථික වර්ධන වේගය අත්කැර ගෙන සිටින ශ්රී ලංකාවට 2012, 2013 සහ 2014 යන වසර තුන සඳහා සංවර්ධනය වෙනුවෙන් රුපියල් කෝටි 29,000 ක් වෙන් කිරීමට යෝජිතය. දිවි නැඟුම වැඩ සටහන යටතේ 2011 දී අපේක්ෂා කළේ ගෘහ ආර්ථික ඒකක ලක්ෂ 10 ක් සංවර්ධනය කිරීමයි.
නමුත් පසුගිය වසරේදී ගෘහ ආර්ථික ඒකක ලක්ෂ 14 ක් සංවර්ධනය කළා. මේ වසරේදී අපි ගෘහ ආර්ථික ඒකක ලක්ෂ 25 ක් සංවර්ධනය කිරීමට අපේක්ෂා කරනවා යැයි ද ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන ඇමැති බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතා පැවැසීය. අද සමහර මාධ්යවේදින් රජයට විරුද්ධව පිකට් කරන්නේ මාධ්ය නිදහස මෙරට තිබෙන නිසා බව ද පැවසු ඇමැතිවරයා කවදත් මේ රටේ සංවර්ධනයට අකුල් හෙළූ ද්රෝහියෝ මෙරට සිටි බව ද පෙන්වා දුන්නේය.
අන්තර්ජාතික මූල්ය අරමුදල පළ කළ වාර්තාවක් අනුව ලොව බොහෝ දියුණු රටවල් හා දියුණු වන රටවල් ලබන වසරේ තම වර්ධන වේගය අඩුකර තිබෙනවා. නමුත් අපේ කලාපයේ අපේ රට විතරක් ආර්ථික වර්ධන වේගය වැඩි කරලා තිබෙනවා. චීනයත් ආර්ථික වේගය වැඩි කරල තිබෙනවා. ඉන්දියාව ජර්මනිය වගේ රටවල තම වර්ධන වේගය අඩු කරලා තිබෙනවා යැයි ද බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතා පැවැසීය.
එමෙන්ම පසුගිය වසර 2 - 3 ඇතුළත අපේ දළ ජාතික නිෂ්පාදනය වැඩි වෙලා. ඒක පුද්ගල ආදායම් වැඩි වෙලා. උද්ධමනය අඩු වෙලා. විරැකියාව අඩු වෙලා තිබෙනවා. මේ හැම එකක්ම බැලුවොත් අපේ ජීවන තත්ත්වය වැඩි වෙලා ඇති බවත් බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතා පවසයි. 2000 වසරේදී පුද්ගලයන් 2779 සිටියේ එක දොස්තරවරයයි. 2011 වන විට 1443 කට එක දොස්තරවරයෙක් ඉන්නවා යැයි ද ඒ මහතා පැවැසීය.
දිවි නැඟුම, ගම නැඟුම, පුර නැඟුම වැනි වැඩ සටහන් ඔස්සේ පවුල කේන්ද්රිය කරගත් ආර්ථික ප්රවර්ධන ක්රමයක් අනුව ගම, අන්තර් නගර හා ප්රධාන නගර සංවර්ධනයට පියවර රැසක් ගත් බවත් ඉදිරියේදී තවත් පියවර රැසක් ගන්නා බවත් ඇමැතිවරයා කීය.
Green energy system at Yala
by M.Nelson PIYARATNE -Kataragama Group
Sri Lanka's first green energy system was declared open by the Wild Life Conservation and Agricultural Minister S.N. Chandrasena on Wednesday (25) at Buthawa Wild Life bungalow in Yala National Park.
This solar system was introduced to Sri Lanka by James Consulting (PVT) Ltd, NiceLux (PVT) with the partnership of Nawoo L.D.D. Incorporated in Korea.
This ultra modern solar power system is the only one of its kind in Sri Lanka and its special feature is that this solar panel needs only half an hour sunlight to get the batteries fully charged and the power lasts for four days.
In addition to supplying solar power to illuminate the bungalow the company has installed two street lamps with separate solar panels which change its direction according to the movement of the Sun.
So that regular solar power is absorbed to the panels without interruption.
The other special feature is that these street lamps react to the heat of the body and the movement of the objects so that automatically lamps give a brighter light if a vehicle or a wild elephant came within the ten metre radius of the lamps.
These street lamps are automatically switched on at the dusk and switches off at the dawn saving energy and money.These solar panels of the street lamps automatically come to a vertical position in the night allowing all the dust got collected in the day time to be cleaned up by the overnight falling of dew drops in the night. Minister Chandrasena said that he was thankful to Korean companies for installing this invaluable system in his tenure as the minister of Wild Life.
Managing Director of the Korean CompanyDavid Kim said that he was happy to install this system in Sri Lanka under the invitation of minister Chandrasena and they would like to co- work with Sri Lankan government to introduce this independent electrical system to isolated places of Sri Lanka where wired electricity system is expensive.
This solar system was introduced to Sri Lanka by James Consulting (PVT) Ltd, NiceLux (PVT) with the partnership of Nawoo L.D.D. Incorporated in Korea.
This ultra modern solar power system is the only one of its kind in Sri Lanka and its special feature is that this solar panel needs only half an hour sunlight to get the batteries fully charged and the power lasts for four days.
In addition to supplying solar power to illuminate the bungalow the company has installed two street lamps with separate solar panels which change its direction according to the movement of the Sun.
So that regular solar power is absorbed to the panels without interruption.
The other special feature is that these street lamps react to the heat of the body and the movement of the objects so that automatically lamps give a brighter light if a vehicle or a wild elephant came within the ten metre radius of the lamps.
These street lamps are automatically switched on at the dusk and switches off at the dawn saving energy and money.These solar panels of the street lamps automatically come to a vertical position in the night allowing all the dust got collected in the day time to be cleaned up by the overnight falling of dew drops in the night. Minister Chandrasena said that he was thankful to Korean companies for installing this invaluable system in his tenure as the minister of Wild Life.
Managing Director of the Korean CompanyDavid Kim said that he was happy to install this system in Sri Lanka under the invitation of minister Chandrasena and they would like to co- work with Sri Lankan government to introduce this independent electrical system to isolated places of Sri Lanka where wired electricity system is expensive.
Water for Anuradhapura to cost Rs. 1,884.9 m
Nimal WIJESINGHE- Anuradhapura Additional District Group Corr.
Most of the rural people are in dire need of improved sanitation and drinking water. According to the WHO reports eight people out of 10 in Asian and African periphery don't have proper access to potable drinking water.
The main reason for child mortality in South Asia is the outbreak of diarrhoea and 88% of the deaths is reported to be due to unprotected drinking water and poor sanitation facilities.
As estimated 1.2 billion of the world population of which 778 million Asians are used to open air defecation.
This primitive habit is one of the major causes for the pollution of water resources. Spread of renal diseases in the region has been attributed to polluted drinking water been.
The preliminary reason for majority of the diseases from which the people in NCP suffered was the drinking habit of polluted and the contaminated water has been identified as the principal cause for most of the diseases the people of the NCP has been fallen victim, according to the Provincial Health Services Director Dr. W. Atapatthu. There are around 20,000 kidney patients being treated, Dr. Atapatthu said.A number of water supply schemes is under construction in Anuradhapura at a total cost of Rs. 1,884.9 million. The Water Supply and Drainage Board's North Central Deputy General Manager L.L.A. Peiris told the Sunday Observer.
Most of the rural people are in dire need of improved sanitation and drinking water. According to the WHO reports eight people out of 10 in Asian and African periphery don't have proper access to potable drinking water.
The main reason for child mortality in South Asia is the outbreak of diarrhoea and 88% of the deaths is reported to be due to unprotected drinking water and poor sanitation facilities.
As estimated 1.2 billion of the world population of which 778 million Asians are used to open air defecation.
This primitive habit is one of the major causes for the pollution of water resources. Spread of renal diseases in the region has been attributed to polluted drinking water been.
The preliminary reason for majority of the diseases from which the people in NCP suffered was the drinking habit of polluted and the contaminated water has been identified as the principal cause for most of the diseases the people of the NCP has been fallen victim, according to the Provincial Health Services Director Dr. W. Atapatthu. There are around 20,000 kidney patients being treated, Dr. Atapatthu said.A number of water supply schemes is under construction in Anuradhapura at a total cost of Rs. 1,884.9 million. The Water Supply and Drainage Board's North Central Deputy General Manager L.L.A. Peiris told the Sunday Observer.
මෙරට 89% ක් හලෝ කියති
අරුණි මුතුමලී
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ජනගහනයෙන් සියයට 89 ක් පමණ ජංගම දුරකථන භාවිත කරන බව විදුලි සංදේශ නියාමන කොමිසමේ අධ්යක්ෂ ජනරාල් අනුෂ පැල්පිට මහතා පවසයි. 2011 ජුනි මාසය වන විට ජංගම දුරකථන සිම් 18176000 ට වැඩි සංඛ්යාවක් ලියාපදිංචි වී තිබේ. ඒ අතර ස්ථාවර දුරකථන සංඛ්යාව 3599250 ක් දක්වා ඉහළ ගොස් ඇත. ස්ථාවර දුරකථන සබඳතාවලින් සියයට 40 ක් පමණ බස්නාහිර පළාතේ ද ඉතිරිය රට පුරා ව්යාප්තව ඇත.
ස්ථාවර හා ජංගම දුරකථන ඔස්සේ අන්තර්ජාල පහසුකම් සේවා සපයන්නන් දස දෙනකු මඟින් දිවයින පුරා අන්තර්ජාල පහසුකම් ලබා ගැනීමට කටයුතු කැර ඇති අතර අධිවේගී පුළුල් පරාස ක්රමය යටතේ 2009 දී 230000 ක් වූ අන්තර්ජාල පාරිභෝගික සංඛ්යාව 2011 වන විට 520000 ට අධික සංඛ්යාවක් ලෙස වර්ධනය වී ඇති බව ද පැල්පිට මහතා පෙන්වා දෙයි. මෙය අන්තර්ජාල ක්ෂේත්රයේ වසරකදී ඇතිවූ ශීඝ්ර වර්ධනයයි.
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ජනගහනයෙන් සියයට 89 ක් පමණ ජංගම දුරකථන භාවිත කරන බව විදුලි සංදේශ නියාමන කොමිසමේ අධ්යක්ෂ ජනරාල් අනුෂ පැල්පිට මහතා පවසයි. 2011 ජුනි මාසය වන විට ජංගම දුරකථන සිම් 18176000 ට වැඩි සංඛ්යාවක් ලියාපදිංචි වී තිබේ. ඒ අතර ස්ථාවර දුරකථන සංඛ්යාව 3599250 ක් දක්වා ඉහළ ගොස් ඇත. ස්ථාවර දුරකථන සබඳතාවලින් සියයට 40 ක් පමණ බස්නාහිර පළාතේ ද ඉතිරිය රට පුරා ව්යාප්තව ඇත.
ස්ථාවර හා ජංගම දුරකථන ඔස්සේ අන්තර්ජාල පහසුකම් සේවා සපයන්නන් දස දෙනකු මඟින් දිවයින පුරා අන්තර්ජාල පහසුකම් ලබා ගැනීමට කටයුතු කැර ඇති අතර අධිවේගී පුළුල් පරාස ක්රමය යටතේ 2009 දී 230000 ක් වූ අන්තර්ජාල පාරිභෝගික සංඛ්යාව 2011 වන විට 520000 ට අධික සංඛ්යාවක් ලෙස වර්ධනය වී ඇති බව ද පැල්පිට මහතා පෙන්වා දෙයි. මෙය අන්තර්ජාල ක්ෂේත්රයේ වසරකදී ඇතිවූ ශීඝ්ර වර්ධනයයි.
දැයට කිරුළෙන් පවුල් 5162 ක් එළිය වෙයි
තාරක වික්රමසේකර
දැයට කිරුළට සමගාමීව පවුල් 5162 ක් ආවරණය වන පරිදි ග්රාමීය විදුලි ව්යාපෘති 186 ක් දැයට තිළිණ කිරීමට සැලසුම් කර ඇතැයි විදුලිබල හා බලශක්ති අමාත්යාංශය පවසයි.
මිලියන 700 ක මූල්ය ප්රතිපාදන යටතේ ක්රියාත්මක කැරෙන මේ ව්යාපෘති යටතේ අනුරාධපුර උතුර, අනුරාධපුර දකුණ, හොරොව්පොතාන, මැදවච්චිය, මිහින්තලේ, කලාවැව, කැකිරාව ප්රදේශ ආවරණය වන පරිදි මේ ව්යාපෘති ක්රියාත්මක කෙරේ.
දැයට කිරුළට සමගාමීව පවුල් 5162 ක් ආවරණය වන පරිදි ග්රාමීය විදුලි ව්යාපෘති 186 ක් දැයට තිළිණ කිරීමට සැලසුම් කර ඇතැයි විදුලිබල හා බලශක්ති අමාත්යාංශය පවසයි.
මිලියන 700 ක මූල්ය ප්රතිපාදන යටතේ ක්රියාත්මක කැරෙන මේ ව්යාපෘති යටතේ අනුරාධපුර උතුර, අනුරාධපුර දකුණ, හොරොව්පොතාන, මැදවච්චිය, මිහින්තලේ, කලාවැව, කැකිරාව ප්රදේශ ආවරණය වන පරිදි මේ ව්යාපෘති ක්රියාත්මක කෙරේ.
මහනුවරට පිළිකා ප්රතිකාර සංකීර්ණයක්
රුපියල් ලක්ෂ 6500 ක වියදමින් ඉදිකෙරුණ මහනුවර මහ රෝහලේ නව පිළිකා ප්රතිකාර සංකීර්ණය සඳහා මුල් ගල් තැබීම අද (29) පෙරවරු 8.45 ට ජනපති ආර්යා ශිරන්ති රාජපක්ෂ මැතිනියගේ ප්රධානත්වයෙන් සිදු කෙරෙයි.
මහජන ආධාර මත ඉදි කෙරෙන මෙම පිළිකා ප්රතිකාර සංකීර්ණය මහල් 10 කින් සමන්විතය. විකිරණ ප්රතිකාර, ශල්යාගාර සායන, නේවාසික වාට්ටු, දැඩි සත්කාර ඒකක ඇතුළු සියලු අංගයන්ගෙන් පරිපූර්ණව මෙම පිළිකා ප්රතිකාර මධ්යස්ථානය ඉදිකරන බව මහනුවර මහ රෝහලේ නියෝජ්ය අධ්යක්ෂ සුසිල් සිරිවර්ධන මහතා පැවැසීය. මහනුවර සිංහල, දෙමළ හා මුස්ලිම් වෙළෙඳ පෙරමුණු මඟින් මෙහි මහල් තුනක් ඉදිකර දීමට පොරොන්දු වී ඇති බවත් මුල් අදියර යටතේ ඉදිකෙරෙන මහල් 04 සඳහා ව්යාපාරිකයකු රුපියල් ලක්ෂ 200 ක් පරිත්යාග කළ බවත් ඒ මහතා කීය.
මහජන ආධාර මත ඉදි කෙරෙන මෙම පිළිකා ප්රතිකාර සංකීර්ණය මහල් 10 කින් සමන්විතය. විකිරණ ප්රතිකාර, ශල්යාගාර සායන, නේවාසික වාට්ටු, දැඩි සත්කාර ඒකක ඇතුළු සියලු අංගයන්ගෙන් පරිපූර්ණව මෙම පිළිකා ප්රතිකාර මධ්යස්ථානය ඉදිකරන බව මහනුවර මහ රෝහලේ නියෝජ්ය අධ්යක්ෂ සුසිල් සිරිවර්ධන මහතා පැවැසීය. මහනුවර සිංහල, දෙමළ හා මුස්ලිම් වෙළෙඳ පෙරමුණු මඟින් මෙහි මහල් තුනක් ඉදිකර දීමට පොරොන්දු වී ඇති බවත් මුල් අදියර යටතේ ඉදිකෙරෙන මහල් 04 සඳහා ව්යාපාරිකයකු රුපියල් ලක්ෂ 200 ක් පරිත්යාග කළ බවත් ඒ මහතා කීය.
පාසිකුඩාවේ පරිසර හිතකාමී සංචාරක පුරයක්...
සාගරිකා දිසානායක
සාමය උදාවීමෙන් පසුව උතුරු - නැඟෙනහිර පළාත්වල ඇතිවී තිබෙන සංචාරක ප්රබෝධය හේතුවෙන් ඒ ප්රදේශවල සංවර්ධන කටයුතු කඩිනම් කිරීමට ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන අමාත්යාංශය සහ ශ්රී ලංකා සංචාරක ප්රවර්ධන අධිකාරිය කටයුතු කරමින් සිටී.
නැඟෙනහිර පළාතේ සුන්දර වෙරළ තීරය ආශි්රතව ඉදිකැරෙන පාසිකුඩා සංචාරක කලාපය සඳහා රජය මඟින් අක්කර 150 ක් ආයෝජකයන් වෙත ලබා දී තිබේ. මේ වන විට පාසිකුඩා සංචාරක කලාපයේ නව හෝටල් 14 ක ඉදිකිරීම් කටයුතු කඩිනමින් සිදු කැරෙමින් පවතී.
කාමර 930 කින් සමන්විත මෙම හෝටල් ව්යාපෘතිය සඳහා රජය රුපියල් මිලියන 6530 ක මුදලක් ආයෝජනය කර තිබේ. ශ්රී ලංකා වාස්තු විද්යා සංගමයේ සහාය ඇතිව ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන අමාත්යාංශයේ සහ සංචාරක ප්රවර්ධන අධිකාරියේ මෙහෙයවීමෙන් ඉදි කැරෙන මේ හෝටල සියල්ල මේ වසරේ අග භාගය වන විට නිම කිරීමට නියමිතය.
පාසිකුඩා සංචාරක කලාපයේ දැනටමත් කාමර සියයකින් යුතු තරු පන්තියේ හෝටලයක් පවත්වාගෙන යන අතර තවත් හෝටල දෙකක් පෙබරවාරි මාසයේ අග සහ මාර්තු මස මුලදී විවෘත කිරීමට නියමිතය.
දැනට හෝටල් ඉදිකිරීම සඳහා රජය සමඟ ගිවිසුම්වලට එළැඹ ඇති, එහෙත් එතරම් ප්රගතියක් නොදක්වන හෝටල් ව්යාපෘති ඉදිරි මාස තුන ඇතුළත ප්රමාණාත්මක ප්රගතියක් නොදැක්වුවහොත් ඒවා රජයට පවරාගෙන වෙනත් ආයෝජකයන්ට ලබා දීමට කටයුතු කරන බව ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන නියෝජ්ය ඇමැති ලක්ෂ්මන් යාපා අබේවර්ධන මහතා පැවැසීය.
සාමය උදාවීමෙන් පසුව උතුරු - නැඟෙනහිර පළාත්වල ඇතිවී තිබෙන සංචාරක ප්රබෝධය හේතුවෙන් ඒ ප්රදේශවල සංවර්ධන කටයුතු කඩිනම් කිරීමට ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන අමාත්යාංශය සහ ශ්රී ලංකා සංචාරක ප්රවර්ධන අධිකාරිය කටයුතු කරමින් සිටී.
නැඟෙනහිර පළාතේ සුන්දර වෙරළ තීරය ආශි්රතව ඉදිකැරෙන පාසිකුඩා සංචාරක කලාපය සඳහා රජය මඟින් අක්කර 150 ක් ආයෝජකයන් වෙත ලබා දී තිබේ. මේ වන විට පාසිකුඩා සංචාරක කලාපයේ නව හෝටල් 14 ක ඉදිකිරීම් කටයුතු කඩිනමින් සිදු කැරෙමින් පවතී.
කාමර 930 කින් සමන්විත මෙම හෝටල් ව්යාපෘතිය සඳහා රජය රුපියල් මිලියන 6530 ක මුදලක් ආයෝජනය කර තිබේ. ශ්රී ලංකා වාස්තු විද්යා සංගමයේ සහාය ඇතිව ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන අමාත්යාංශයේ සහ සංචාරක ප්රවර්ධන අධිකාරියේ මෙහෙයවීමෙන් ඉදි කැරෙන මේ හෝටල සියල්ල මේ වසරේ අග භාගය වන විට නිම කිරීමට නියමිතය.
පාසිකුඩා සංචාරක කලාපයේ දැනටමත් කාමර සියයකින් යුතු තරු පන්තියේ හෝටලයක් පවත්වාගෙන යන අතර තවත් හෝටල දෙකක් පෙබරවාරි මාසයේ අග සහ මාර්තු මස මුලදී විවෘත කිරීමට නියමිතය.
දැනට හෝටල් ඉදිකිරීම සඳහා රජය සමඟ ගිවිසුම්වලට එළැඹ ඇති, එහෙත් එතරම් ප්රගතියක් නොදක්වන හෝටල් ව්යාපෘති ඉදිරි මාස තුන ඇතුළත ප්රමාණාත්මක ප්රගතියක් නොදැක්වුවහොත් ඒවා රජයට පවරාගෙන වෙනත් ආයෝජකයන්ට ලබා දීමට කටයුතු කරන බව ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන නියෝජ්ය ඇමැති ලක්ෂ්මන් යාපා අබේවර්ධන මහතා පැවැසීය.
Three elevated highways in the offing: Road network to be further developed
By Shirajiv SIRIMANE
Sri Lanka's road network is undergoing a major transformation with not only the Expressway, but also with three elevated highways in Colombo. The elevated highways are to be constructed from Kirulapone to Kadawatha, Colombo Fort to Kottawa and from Colombo Fort to Peliyagoda.
The Kirulapone to Kadawatha highway (19 Km) will connect the Outer Circular Highway at Kadawatha and the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway at Peliyagoda, while the road from Colombo Fort to Kottawa (21 kms) will connect the Southern Expressway and Outer Circular Highway at Kottawa. The third will be from the Colombo Fort to Peliyagoda interchange on the Colombo- Katunayake Expressway (five kms). The proposal was made by President, Mahinda Rajapaksa in his capacity as Ports and Highways Minister to procure consultancy services through a contract with Egis Beecon International of France under ADB funding for feasibility studies and the outline design was approved by the Cabinet. It was also decided that the Engineering Faculties of local universities should be requested to undertake consultancy services.
Work under way at an elevated highway
An exit sign on the Southern Expressway
The road network of Malaysia
It is said that a superior road network was the key to Malaysia being elevated from an under-developed country to a developed country. It would also help investors to move their goods faster. thus reducing the cost of products. Several new enterprises such as petrol sheds, hotels, and shops would be built near the interchanges, providing new opportunities of business to entrepreneurs. Studies show that land prices have already increased over 70 percent near the exit points of the Southern Expressway. It was way back in the mid-1970s that talks were first held to construct a road from Peliyagoda to the Colombo International Airport. This was mainly targeting the Non Aligned Summit that was being hosted in Sri Lanka.
Plans were drawn and even a few bridges were construed to build the highway. However, it never got off the ground and only the bridges and a huge red financial bill remained with the government as an example for a failed development project.
However, film makers, advertisers and politicians used the Peliyagoda Bridge for their hoardings and it's still an interesting guess if taxes were ever paid for advertising on this bridge.
A toll booth at the Southern Expressway
After almost 30 years, the subject of an Expressway to the airport was again discussed and in 2000, a consortium once again got off the ground. However, this time around too financial problems put barricades to the project and it was stalled once again. With the rapid expansion of the Colombo airport and tourism booming, quick access to and from Colombo became a crying need. VIPs, investors, tourists as well as members of the public did not have nearly two hours to waste, travelling from Colombo to the airport.
President Rajapaksa intervened and negotiated with the Exim Bank of China to fund this project and it soon started moving again; today nearly 60 percent of the project has been completed. The investment for the project is US$ 292 million, which has been awarded on a Design and Build Basis.
If the Expressway was built 10 years ago, Sri Lanka could have saved about one billion rupees.
China Metallurgical Group Corporation from the People's Republic of China will be the contractor. This is one of the largest companies in the world and is listed among the world's largest 500 companies. (Fortune 500).
The Sri Lankan Government too would invest 15 percent of the cost. Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa said that plans are under way to extend the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway to Kalpitiya, targeting the proposed upmarket tourism zone. MP Namal Rajapaksa has also taken the initiative to extend the Southern Expressway up to Arugam Bay.
This would also link both the international harbour and airport, making the project more viable.
The Kirulapone to Kadawatha highway (19 Km) will connect the Outer Circular Highway at Kadawatha and the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway at Peliyagoda, while the road from Colombo Fort to Kottawa (21 kms) will connect the Southern Expressway and Outer Circular Highway at Kottawa. The third will be from the Colombo Fort to Peliyagoda interchange on the Colombo- Katunayake Expressway (five kms). The proposal was made by President, Mahinda Rajapaksa in his capacity as Ports and Highways Minister to procure consultancy services through a contract with Egis Beecon International of France under ADB funding for feasibility studies and the outline design was approved by the Cabinet. It was also decided that the Engineering Faculties of local universities should be requested to undertake consultancy services.
Work under way at an elevated highway
An exit sign on the Southern Expressway
The road network of Malaysia
It is said that a superior road network was the key to Malaysia being elevated from an under-developed country to a developed country. It would also help investors to move their goods faster. thus reducing the cost of products. Several new enterprises such as petrol sheds, hotels, and shops would be built near the interchanges, providing new opportunities of business to entrepreneurs. Studies show that land prices have already increased over 70 percent near the exit points of the Southern Expressway. It was way back in the mid-1970s that talks were first held to construct a road from Peliyagoda to the Colombo International Airport. This was mainly targeting the Non Aligned Summit that was being hosted in Sri Lanka.
Plans were drawn and even a few bridges were construed to build the highway. However, it never got off the ground and only the bridges and a huge red financial bill remained with the government as an example for a failed development project.
However, film makers, advertisers and politicians used the Peliyagoda Bridge for their hoardings and it's still an interesting guess if taxes were ever paid for advertising on this bridge.
A toll booth at the Southern Expressway
After almost 30 years, the subject of an Expressway to the airport was again discussed and in 2000, a consortium once again got off the ground. However, this time around too financial problems put barricades to the project and it was stalled once again. With the rapid expansion of the Colombo airport and tourism booming, quick access to and from Colombo became a crying need. VIPs, investors, tourists as well as members of the public did not have nearly two hours to waste, travelling from Colombo to the airport.
President Rajapaksa intervened and negotiated with the Exim Bank of China to fund this project and it soon started moving again; today nearly 60 percent of the project has been completed. The investment for the project is US$ 292 million, which has been awarded on a Design and Build Basis.
If the Expressway was built 10 years ago, Sri Lanka could have saved about one billion rupees.
China Metallurgical Group Corporation from the People's Republic of China will be the contractor. This is one of the largest companies in the world and is listed among the world's largest 500 companies. (Fortune 500).
The Sri Lankan Government too would invest 15 percent of the cost. Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa said that plans are under way to extend the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway to Kalpitiya, targeting the proposed upmarket tourism zone. MP Namal Rajapaksa has also taken the initiative to extend the Southern Expressway up to Arugam Bay.
This would also link both the international harbour and airport, making the project more viable.
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