Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Indian poachers released amidst controversy

By Shamindra Ferdinando

Following differences over the modalities regarding the handing over of six Indian trawlers along with 43 fishermen detained by the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) last week, the Sri Lankan government has asked them to leave.

Authoritative sources told The Island that the Indian naval authorities wanted the transfer to take place 15 nautical miles north of Kankesanthurai, whereas the SLN suggested a point off Trincomalee. Sources said that due to failure on the part of two parties to reach agreement on a location, the SLN released the boats last Friday (Jan.27) and directed them to leave Sri Lankan waters. The Indian cluster had been monitored up to Pulmoddai

Sources said that India used to thoroughly examine those released from Sri Lankan custody to ensure they weren’t physically abused.

In spite of repeated efforts to discourage poaching by the Tamil Nadu fishing fleet on our waters it was continuing in the Palk Bay and eastern territorial waters.

The SLN seized six trawlers along with 43 poachers east of Mullaitivu on Tuesday (Jan. 24).

They were produced before the Trincomalee Magistrate’s Court the following day, and handed over to a representative of the Indian High Commission pending repatriation.

Tuesday’s seizure was the second this month followed by the arrest of 13 fishermen along with two trawlers 6.5 nautical miles east of Pulmoddai on Jan. 11 which the SLN said was willfull trespassing in Sri Lankan waters. The government released them as a goodwill gesture ahead of high level talks in Colombo on Jan.14 to settle the poaching issue.

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